Chapter 8

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Peter's POV~

If I'm honest, this situation wasn't as awkward as it should have been. I mean, he's literally in his underwear. And I'm wearing his shirt. But it didn't feel very awkward, it actually felt pretty comfortable. I started thinking about how early it was, and how tired I was...

"If you're tired, go back to sleep." Loki whispered, obviously reading my mind as he rubbed circles into the small of my back. I sighed, relaxing under his touch and fading into sleep...


*Knock knock!*

My eyes fluttered open and met Loki's. He heard the knocking too.

"Hey Peter! It's me and Michelle, your dads said to come up and check on you!"

Shit, I forgot Ned and MJ we're coming over today!

Loki took the hint and ducked his head under the covers. 

"Leeds, you knock too easy. Observe." I heard Michelle say right before kicking the door open. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!"

My head jerked up as I struggled to hide Loki. "Michelle what-"

Loki sat up. "Dude, what the f*ck? Can't you see we're trying to sleep here?"


MJ and Ned gawked at the very obviously almost-naked teen in the bed with me. I could've fainted right then and there.

"Loki! What the hell dude?!" I choked. His only response was a sly grin. Michelle was the first to speak.

"Loki as in... Loki Odinson? Your SOULMATE?!"

"In the flesh." He grinned. Ned snorted, glancing at his bare chest.

 "Definitely looks 'in the flesh'." I threw a pillow at him. "You guys need to shut up before my dads-" At that moment, Pops and Dad burst into the room.

"We heard screaming and we- PETER BENJAMIN PARKER, JUST WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dad yelled. I winced. "I can explain. Please just stop yelling, everyone's going to hear you!"

Naturally, Uncle Clint chose that moment to pop in and announce he was back from his mission. "Hey guys! How's it-" He paused to take in the scene. He then turned on his heels and yelled, "JAMES, YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!" Bucky came running. He took a look at Loki and I, then handed Uncle Clint a wad of cash and muttered something about 'goddamn horny teenagers'. 

I grabbed the nearest pillow and shoved it in my face, resisting the urge to scream.

A/N- I know it's not really Wednesday, but I'm back! 

~riddle 😘

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