9th chapter

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In garden everyone will be enjoying their their party.. after dinner, when Bhuvi comes outside, Rahul will be busy with everyone, Bharat looks at Bhuvi and comes near her.

Bharat with anger " How can you sleep around so many dangerous people ?"

Bhuvi with smile " I was in his arms " with that she looks at Rahul.

Bharat with doubt " can you forgive him because of your brother's death ?"

Bhuvi suddenly becomes sad " NO.. but.."

She becomes silent for sometimes then wipes her tears with one hand " but I love him.. "

Bharat with seriousness " Earlier I thought of supporting you but now I personally advice you to forget him and move on "

Bhuvi looks in confusion

Bharat with confidence " Earlier.. His identity in underworld was well hidden but things have changed drastically now.. whole world knows him as Little Tiger.. He has become the king of drug mafia, every criminal in the world has become his enemies in one or the other way.. His own father has thrown him out of family to protect his family and I am sure varma uncle will oppose your relation with him.. if you leave him now, varma uncle can protect you till the end but if you insist to be with him then I am not sure about upcoming situations.. he himself is leading unsecured life what he can protect you ?"

By hearing his last words Bhuvi looks at Bharat with confusion..

Bharat with smile " I will stand as wall to protect him but I can not neglect the fact about cruelty of this world, It is the only reason he was hidding his feelings for you"

With that he starts moving from their but stops in the middle " you may be ready to die with him or for him but the guilt of lossing someone we are loving because of us is great burden which we can not carry on our shoulders... so sometimes it is better to give up our love instead of taking their life " now his eyes will be covered in complete tears he simply wipes them and move on.

Bhuvi will be standing in her track with hundreds of thoughts but her train of thoughts will be broken by Rahul..

" what happened..? Did Bharat say anything harsh ?" He ask with doubt by looking at her worried face.

Bhuvi nods her head " No.. "

" what your thinking then ?"

" I am hungry."

Rahul in hurry neglects her expressions
" come.. "

Before Rahul takes her to have food, Bharat comes to Rahul " They are leaving now "

Rahul moves with Bharat and sends them, when they comes back, Bhuvi will be sleeping in Rahul's room. As he will be tired and drunken he simply accompany her to sleep..

Next day when Rahul will wakes up with severe headache due to drinks, he first looks for Bhuvi but she will be in hall with Barath.

when Rahul comes their, she gives cold and angry look to Rahul without understanding her " what happened?"

Bhuvi with anger " I will go to home"

Rahul nods his head " wait I will fresh and come "

Bhuvi with frustration " NO need.. Bharat will drop me "

Seeing her anger Rahul accompany them without getting ready.. Rahul and Bhuvi will be sitting in back seat, Bharat will be driving car. Atmosphere in the car will be cold and serious due to Bhuvi's anger.. she will staring at Rahul with foker face...

Rahul looks at Bharat " what about Sai.. ?"

Bharat turns to Rahul with small smile
" I should ask that to him, you were the one who took him Russia.. "

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