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to kill a mockingbird
"you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."


"Drop your weapons. I only want Negan." I say, the gun smoking in my hands, two dead bodies already littering the pavement before me. "She killed my friends. No one else needs to die."

I search the crowd of men, every weapon pointed in my direction. I'm prepared for bullets to rip through me, I'm prepared to die. But they won't until she gives the command. I have to kill her before she kills me. That's the only reason I came. I narrow my eye through the scope and I wait.

"Damn, you're adorable." Her voice makes me tense immediately. I don't see her yet but I know she sees me. "You picked that gun because it looks cool, right?"

I don't respond. She's here. I can get this over with. I just need her to reveal herself. Then I catch it, a glimpse of blonde hair behind a man's shoulder. I can shoot her through him. My finger moves to the trigger slowly, already accepting that once she's dead on the ground I'll be shortly following.

"Yeah, you totally did." She laughs and then I don't see the blonde hair anymore. She's ducked somewhere else. Where is she? Damn, where is she?My breathing is hard and rough as I scour through the men for the girl. "I'm not gonna lie, kiddo, but you scare the shit out of me."

I'm so focused on finding Negan that I don't see the man coming at me from the side. I fire before I hit the concrete hard, flat on my back. The gun ripped from my grasp and pointed at my head. I stare at the sky for a moment, realizing I failed. That I waited too long.

"Dwight! Back off. Show some courtesy—this here is Rick's baby boy. We handle him with that good ol' TLC." The man steps back and the girl is suddenly standing over me. She doesn't look any different than the last time I saw her, I don't know what I expected. "That means Tender, Love, And Care."

I move up onto my elbows, I feel that my face has twisted into a scowl but I can't help it. I don't usually have people but this girl, this terrible, awful, sinister girl is someone I absolutely loathe. I know she can sense it. She can read people well.

She shifts and extends her hand down to me. "What are you still doing down there for? Come on up here, weather's fine. Let's chat face-to-face... I don't bite... Unless you ask nicely."

I tear my gaze from her, revolted.

"God, you really do look like your Daddy, huh? Same grumpy Grimes face." Her hand comes closer, I see her fingernails are painted blue. "Really? You're really gonna not take my hand. 'Cause you're lucky you still even have a hand."

I look away from her as I reach up and grasp her hand. I'm surprised that her skin is rough, her calloused palm against my own. She hauls me to my feet, giving me a deft squeeze before releasing me. I'm glad to have a few inches of height on her, but still, I adjust my hat for good measure. Try to seem bigger, stronger, than I am despite knowing I'll never intimidate this lunatic. "Smart boy. Now come with me." She starts walking but I hesitate to follow, after a few steps she turns, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, come on."

I can only stand, stare. There is a lump in my throat. I've failed. I knew I would die on this mission, but I had some grand delusion that it would be her death first that would be the catalyst.

"Do I need to hold your hand? Or do you prefer leash? Either way, you're coming with me."

"What are you going to do to me?" The words come out from my mouth before I've even planned them because, for a few very good reasons, I'm afraid of her.

the killing of a sacred deer - carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now