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///this chapter is going to cut from Jorge's POV into benjis half way through but I'll let y'all know so it won't be too confusing...I LOVE YOU///

Jorges POV

I get out of the crowded bus and look at the giant school that sits right infront of me.

I really don't belong here.

"It's beautiful isn't it. To think this is where all my stress comes from." Benji says as he walks next to me.

If he's so "popular" why would he want to walk with me. A nobody.

"Yah its a lot more beautiful then my old school. It looked like a prison. This looks like a castle."

"Shut up it probably wasn't THAT bad" he says rolling his eyes with a grin on his face

I smile at the look of him.

He turns to look at me.

"What's wrong?"


"Nothing..i was just lost in thoughts i guess."

"What are you thinking about..."

"School i guess" ...... i lied

"Hmmm yah the first day is always the hardest because of all the new stuff but remember im here so i can help you out, dont afraid to ask, besides you got stuck with me Jorge.. im your friend now.. sorry." He smiles and shrugs

"Hahah. You know i don't mind benji. To think my first day and I've already made friends with the hottest guy her...........NO WAIT.. I ... I DIDNT???!!!"

"Hahah thanks Jorge.... and i don't think im the hottest guy here by the way."

I'm so stupid why did i say that....

"Im sorry I didn't mean to say it like that i was just saying that since everyone thinks your hot because of what you told me and i was just trying know I should just shut up."

"Its okay Jorge im just gonna take the compliment"

"Jeesss i already embarrassed my self in-front of my first friend here."

"So did i."

"How? You have literally been perfect"

"You just keep completing me huh."

"Shush no im just wondering what you did because I honestly don't remember, now i feel like a bad person because I wasn't listening and..."

"You're cute."

".... w-What."

"Bye ill see you later i hope. Remember if you see me come talk to me."

And just like that he is walking into the building. Leaving me out here with nothing but a confused brain.


I just called him cute... why did i do that he clearly doesn't like me...i mean he
Did call me hot but he quickly fixed what he said.. which honestly kinda hurt. Like i dont really care its not like i have feelings for him or anything im straight.. plus i dont have time to like someone. I just think he's attractive.. in a bro kinda way.. like i dont want to kiss him or anything....

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