The Stars- Carol Danvers

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It was the first clear night of the summer, not a cloud in the sky; a perfect night to view the stars

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It was the first clear night of the summer, not a cloud in the sky; a perfect night to view the stars. You were sitting on the front porch, your knees pressed tightly against your chest as you struggled to keep yourself warm in the crisp midnight air.

Sitting out there had become a habit of yours. And even when Carol was tucked comfortably in the bed you shared, you still found yourself under the stars. Staring into the never ending abyss of the heavens. You never truly understood it, yet there you were just like every other night before. Waiting for that oh so familiar burst of light, shooting through the atmosphere.

As you shivered once more, pulling your body impossibly tighter to itself; your eyes never once leaving the stars, a voice sounded from behind you. "Y/N?"

'Carol,' you thought. A slight smile working it's way onto your lips at the worry in her tone. But you didn't answer, only humming in response.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Watching the stars." You answered, shivering once more.

Carol made her way over to you, draping her aviator jacket around your shoulders before sitting down beside you. "Babe," She smiled softly. "It's 3am."

"I know." You whispered as you leaned into your girlfriend, resting head upon her shoulder. Carol wrapped her arm around your waist and sighed, placing a soft kiss upon your temple.

A comfortable silence settled around the two of you as you watched the nighttime sky, but it was quickly broken. "Carol?"


"What is it like up there?" You asked.

Carol turned her head, smiling softly into you hair. "Breath taking. It's unlike anything I've ever known. I'd probably stay up there forever if I could, but it's funny-"

"What?" You asked, removing your head from Carol's shoulder to gaze into her beautiful chocolate orbs.

"It's just that, when I'm up there Y/N, the only thing I can think about is you." Carol admitted. "Coming home to you Y/N, because you're the only thing in this world that I love more than the stars. You, Y/N Y/L/N, are my everything."

Carol paused, her eyes lowering to her hands, as they nervously fiddled with each other. Then she whispered, just barely audible in the summer breeze. "I love you."

It was the first time that she had ever said it and you couldn't help the shit eating grin that plastered itself on your face at Carol's words. Without warning you flung yourself into your girlfriend's arms, wrapping your arms around her neck and burying your face into her shoulder.
After recovering from her moment of shock, Carol's arms snaked tightly around your waist.

You stayed locked in each other's embrace for what felt like an eternity, before you pulled back. You smiled at Carol once more, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Then tilting her chin up so her eyes were once more on yours, you said it back.

"I love you too." You whispered. "So much."

Carol's grin widened, her eyes crinkling with delight as you slowly leaned in and pressed you lips to hers.

You would always remember that night under the stars.

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