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    Emerald forest Night time 3rd peson

Are story start off in a forest where a lady in a white cloak is desperately trying to fight a group of black monster that look like there straight out of a nightmare.That woman is Summer a huntress of look like she been fight the monsters know as Grim of for ages.One of them got a lucky shot and knock her weapon from her hand. As Summer gets ready to meet her fate she says

Summer-"sorry Ruby looks like I'm not coming back home"she's says some tears forming in her eyes.

One of the Grim got close ready to kill Summer. Summer closed he eyes ready for it all to. The Grim brought it's claws down and
Summer opened her eyes to see the Grim that was going to kill her fall to the floor cut in have. The other Grim around surprised took a step back looking around to find the thing till a white blast came out from one of the bushes at blinding speeds and killed a couple of grim still confused on what happing the 3 remaining grim look to the bushes ready to attack. Summer seeing a chance rushed to her weapon grabbed and run a the 3 grim stabbing one of the in the and another blast comes from the bushes hitting the grim turning it to dust. The last which Wass as tall as bear confused still snapped out of it hitting Summer to the ground getting ready for the kill.
                   SLASH SLASH SLASH
The grim now standing still till it fell Summer a little dissy from the hit used her weapon to get up and look around the dark forest for what ever was helping only to find nothing called out

Summer-"Come on out who ever saved me"she yelled a little shake

Then the bush started to move Summer scared ready her weapon just in case of another grim was surprised to see this come out

Summer-"Come on out who ever saved me"she yelled a little shake Then the bush started to move Summer scared ready her weapon just in case of another grim was surprised to see this come out

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It was barely tall enough to go past her waist bit what surprised her the most was how it looked like a walking helment she could barely make out the all black clothes it was wearing. Still a little surprised she asked it

Summer-"Y-you were the one t-that saved me right"she asked scared on how she couldn't see your eyes

???-"..."it didn't speak only nod its head in a yes fashion

Summer-"Well thank you for your help but what is a kid like you doing out here"she asked it.

???-"....."it didn't answer only stare at her before turning around and stared to walk away

Summer-"Wait"It stoped"aren't you going to help me to the closet village?"she asked

It stayed still for a moment till it turned around point behind her then ran off I'm to the forest

Summer-"W-wait come back " she yelled getting ready to run after it

???-"SUMMER are you there"Summer turned around to see her friend Qrow from the forest

Qrow-"There you are Summer thought you died" he said jogging to her

Summer-"I'm find just..."she said before stopping

Qrow-"Just what"he asked with a eyebrow raised

Summer-"Nothing let's just go back home"she said before walking past Qrow

Qrow confused just jogged to Summer but was feeling like something was watching him.
             (Time skip a couple years still      In the 3person )

Now we set store with the name "Dust till Dawn " with a group of men entering it. Inside we only 3 people one who appears to be the store owner the other a girl in a red cloak reading a magazine the last one however is a interesting one wearing black clothes a very dark blue cloak and a white helment. The men form early now have fully entered the store the leader wearing a white suit with the collar up with a black hat on his orange head he was smoking a cigar took it out of his mouth and said
Leader-"Finally you know how hard it is to find a dust store open at this time" he said as his men pulled out there weapons

Store owner-"L-look I don't want any trouble just take the money an-d g-go" he said his voice shaking

Leader-"Shshsh we aren't here for the your money grab the dust" he said thin all his men where off taking the dust one of the say the saw red cloak girl from before and pointed his weapon at here

Thug-"Hey girl turn around right now"the girl didn't pay attention"HEY I'm talking to you"he yelled shaking her shoulder the girl turned around took oof her headphones and asked

Red girl-"Uh are you robing me"she asked the thug nod his head annoyed at the girl"Ohhhh" she said

Next thing you now the thug was know kicked through the window everyone turned around to look at her.
Leader-"Well get her!" he said  then his men rushed the girl only to meet the same fate as the friend one of the things fell right in front of the leader

Leader-"Your worth every cent"he looked at the  girl well sorry red I got to go so he lifted up his cane and shot the girl using at a way to climb to the top of the building

Red girl-looks at the store owner"Mind if I go after him"he nodded his head

She then took off after the leader but was followed by the the kid from before. Up on top of the store was the leader and red till a bullhead flew to the top of the store behind the leader

Leader-"look like this is the end of the line red"he said throwing his cigar at the girl shooting it with his cane
Smoke was everywhere the leader smirked at his work till a pruple shield was seen now a new womon appeared
Leader-"Shit we got a huntress" he shouted to the bullhead running in side
The Huntress used her wand to shot ice at the bullhead with did nothing to till another lady waked to the back lifted up her hand and stared throwing fire balls at the two women the Huntress didn't have enough time to counter ran in front of the girl in read wanting for it to hit only to feel nothing the Huntress looked up only to see a new thing enter the fight using what sh believed it semblance to make shield what surprised her more was when the shield died down he started charging a white ball the size a the fire balls then grow to size of it head then shot like a bullet to the bullhead hitting making it smoke and start to fly in to the night all was quiet till
Red girl-"Your a huntress can I have you authograp"she asked excited
The person from before stared to walk away only to find it self in pruple Buble
Huntress-"No your coming with me"she said sterling

The person just looked at the Huntress till noding it head yes now being taken somewhere he looked at the girl in red and one thought came to mind

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