30. mar 20, 16:00

182 5 4

Bangtan Kings👑

Wed, Mar 20, 16:00

joonie🐨: Are you sure you're
alright Kook?

mochi🐥: Yea if you want us to come
now we can

kookie🐰: no i think im ok

i want to have some time
alone with him before you
guys come

hobi🐿: don't push urself jungkookie🥺

we'll be there soon

jinnie🐹: My arms will be open for you
when I get there

kookie🐰: haha thanks hyung

also, thanks yoongi hyung for
getting the flowers

yoongles🐱: Yeah kid no problem

You owe me some lamb
skewers though

I went through 20 minutes of
my cheeks getting squished
by my aunt telling me how big
I've gotten

I'm literally 26

jinnie🐹: Psh, it's the same thing as
how Kookie's still my little
baby even though he's fuckin 21

hobi🐿: i squish ur cheeks all the time
and u don't complain🤔

yoongles🐱: Babe you do it softly though

I swear my aunt thinks I'm
secretly made of rubber

mochi🐥: Kekeke I want to see Yoongi
hyung being tormented by
his aunt~

yoongles🐱: She's obsessed with you
Jimin so you'd probably go through worse

jimin: 👁👄👁

And I oop-

Skrt Skrt


joonie🐨: What?

What do those mean?

kookie🐰: jimin hyung's speaking some
alien language

mochi🐥: Boy stfu you and I say these
to each other all the time🙄

kookie🐰: 😶😶

jinnie🐹: ANYWAYS

Jungkook stop stalling

kookie🐰: aksjdskdh i dont know if i can
do this hyung

jinnie🐹: Yes you can

You're strong

Now go

We'll be there in an hour or so

kookie🐰: sigh ok

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