Chapter 5

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My feet dangle through the gaps of the railing on the guard tower, as I sit and drift away in my thoughts.

I've been here for about a month now, and it's finally starting to feel like a home- not my home obviously, because this was just so much better

Its so,nice to be able to talk to people, and smile again.

I'm so happy now that I've found Daryl, and I think he is too

I just got back from hunting with him and I'm exhausted, we ran into about 3 herds of walkers.

But we did manage to bring back a load of squirrels and the group seemed pretty impressed, so we should eat well tonight at least.

I hear footsteps, and the door opens to reveal Carl.

"Hey, I couldn't find you anywhere" he said whist sitting down next me and throwing his legs over the edge.

"Yeah, that's 'cuz I'm up here" I smirked, I turned my head towards him

"Shut up" he laughed

Me and Carl have gotten quite close over the time I've been here, he's like the best friend I never had. We constantly tease and joke with each other and I just feel more comfortable around him.

Although when I'm with him I do get wary looks from Daryl, but I do my best to ignore them.

His face was shiny under the sun, and I could the see the freckles scattered over his cheeks and his nose, his hair was swept across his forehead and held in place by his hat.

His eyes looked really blue and when he turned to look at me, I found myself getting lost in them.

"You ok there?" he asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

I snapped out of my trance and said "oh um, sorry I was just, um you kno-" I stuttered until he interrupted

"It's cool, I get it"

"Get what?"

"I'm just to good looking for you to keep your eyes off of me" he stated with a cocky grin

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I pushed him, he pretended to be really hurt and flung himself onto his back, with his legs still over the edge

"It's true though"

"Shut up, you wish" I giggled, again with this giggling, I've been doing it lot lately. Acting all girly and shit, ugh.

Maybe I kinda like it though, just a tiny bit.

He gasped dramatically "how could you?"

I chuckled and said "Stop being a doof and get up, let's go back inside I think the food will be ready soon anyway"

I stood up as Carl sat up, and before I could move away he threw his arms up hinting for me pull him up.

I huffed and bent down extending my arm for him to grab and instead of standing up he just pulled me down on top him so I was perched on his lap.

I squealed as I fell down but calmed as soon as I saw his beautiful eyes bore into my own

He continued to study my face as I just say there frozen not knowing what to do

I mean it's not like I haven't been in this situation before, but come on this is Carl, I have a reason to be nervous.

I never thought he could be this confident, but despite this I stare into his eyes and find that his are looking at my lips.

I stare at his too, and find a strange urge to kiss them.

I start to lean in and he doesn't seem fazed so I carry on, hoping to feel his lips on mine but before they can someone bursts through the door.

We both back our heads away and look to see who it is, and to my dismay I see my brothers face with disappointed look upon it.

I frown until I realise that I'm still on Carl's lap and quickly jump off, while Carl stands up.

"I came up to say foods ready" Daryl said bluntly before glaring at me and walking back into the tower to go down the stairs.

I looked at Carl and he smiled at me, and then went inside as I followed him.


Hey guyys, sorry if it's bit boring and short n yeah but they are kinda cute

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