One Way or Another

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Iris, who immediately went home after her brief interaction with the prince and the noble bitch, silently entered her room and thrashed all the things on top of her tea table in one fell swoop.

That bitch!!!!

She soundlessly screamed and fumed while supporting herself on the table. She gritted her teeth before she accidentally saw her hideous reflection on the window.

"Everything should've been mine! Everything of hers is mine! It's mine!" Screaming hysterically, she punched her reflection that cut her hand.

Her chambermaid was so scared that she trembled while walking closer to her mistress as surreptitiously as possible to patch up her wound silently.

Still driven crazy with her intense birse and irritation Adira triggered, she whisked the servant away and pushed her away. She was infuriated with how Adira obviously laid her claim and drew the line. Slapping it hard onto her face.

She's been passive until now. What the hell happened to her? And what the heck is that Dalriada doing? Doesn't he want her? Ahhhh! She really makes me rankle!

Iris slammed her fists on the table, already numb from her furor, that made the poor mistreated servant wince.

"This is only the beginning Adira! I will get revenge. One way or another, Prince Casimir is mine."

She vowed and watched the inimical grin of her reflection from the fissured window glass.

She's mad.

The servant helplessly thought as she watched her lady being consumed with her hatred for the Lady Sylveris.


"What's your plan?" Casimir, happier as he'll ever be, asked his beautiful bride, who finally calmed down.

"Mm? I really don't know if you ask me. But I do know that I want to ask why he did that." She answered while scraping the last drops of chocolate ice cream from her parfait.

Casimir, seeing Adira's cravings, pushed towards her his untouched parfait.

Why untouched?

Well, you see, he was so over the moon with happiness he didn't really want his attention divided with eating and watching his wife.

Adira beamed brightly when she saw Casimir give her his share and immediately digged into her second batch after thanking him sweetly—sweeter than any parfait Casimir could possibly eat. Relishing the satisfaction of her cravings.

"Why don't we just torture it out of him?"

"No. You can't do that." Adira quickly shot down his suggestion and appeared to be thinking.

"It couldn't be that he was ordered to do so, right? If so, my rivals are finally making their moves to remove me, huh? Man, you know how hard it is to have lots of rivals?!"

She shamelessly complained and was met with a look of disbelief from a pair of platinum eyes. As if saying,


I have it harder than you'll ever do, my love.

"Unbelievable." Casimir muttered under his breath and Adira sharply caught on this.

"It really is! I have to be constantly on my toes in case someone decides to forgo formality and ranks and suddenly attack me! I'm only a frail girl who can't fight back!"

If Stefan could only hear Adira right now, he would have a severe coughing fit till he vomits blood and whine mournfully,

How shameful are you, woman?

Casimir could only sigh in vexation. He decided to set aside his worry for his ever growing number of rivals, who might possibly be all over the empire by now, and focus more on the issue at hand.

But that will come after he has his fill of observing her happy dessert time.

It's a secret but he finally achieved his purpose of ignoring the Latifolias lately.


"My Lord." Iris curtseyed when she came face to face with Leon and made sure she had on her piteous expression as well as her tears.

"Lady Latifolia, what happened?"

"Umm... nothing, my Lord." She lied and sniffed pitifully—casually and conspicuously wiping her tears with her injured hand.

"My Lady! What happened to your hand?! Who hurt you?"

"My Lord, this is nothing! I... I... I broke a tea cup and accidentally hurt myself." She lied, making it more obvious so that Leon would pry more.

"That's a lie. You can tell me Lady Latifolia! And we can tell his highness toge—"

She didn't let Leon finish and repudiated vehemently, "No! You cannot tell this to his highness, my Lord! You absolutely cannot tell him!"

"It couldn't be... Is it Lady Adira?" Leon asked, growing to hate his prince's fiancee the more he heard how she bullies this poor lady. And now, it has reached the point of injuring another noble.

Iris, however, kept her mouth shut. Looking guiltier and panicked by the second, as if she was scared of something.

Iris' silence and reaction was all it took for Leon to conclude that Adira had something to do with her wound. He couldn't believe that the lady could do something as cruel as hurting another noble out of jealousy.

"You really cannot judge a book by its cover. What may be a great beauty outside could be as rotten inside."

Leon spoke and held Iris' quivering shoulders from desperately trying to hold in her tears and comforted her as well as advised her.

"I need you to help me, Lady Latifolia. His highness needs to know the Lady Adira's true nature before it is too late. You must tell him."

"But he won't believe me, Lord Raiona. He is too bewitched by the Lady Sylveris to think properly. He will take her side without doubt." She sobbed and clung to Leon's shirt.

"You are the only (idiot) one who believes me, my Lord! Please help me."

He lifted his hands and gingerly patted the crying lady on her back. Even if he pitied her, they were an unmarried man and woman and being seen in this position could spell trouble to the lady herself.

How could the prince be blind to all of this? Is he condoning his fiancee's behavior? He cannot be right? He's the crown prince! Surely he'll think for the greater good than his own fiancee's right?

Leon's head was in a mess while still trying to coax the crying lady.

"It'll be alright, my Lady. If the prince tries to cover for his fiancee's wrongdoings, then I will find another way to get your justice."

"Thank you so much, Lord Raiona. Thank you!"

A few tears and you cave in. How perfect.

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