She's not

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"Wa-Wait. Yo-Your highness! What's the meaning of this?! Why are you seizing my father?!"

Iris shrieked indignantly and shot up cutting Roman mid-report. He shot her a disagreeable look but didn't say anything.

Casimir sat back on the couch languidly and uncaring as he waved at Iris to shut up and let Roman finish his report first.

"The purported nobles said to have been bullied by the Lady Adira claimed the rumors to be false and instead professed that the Lady did nothing but help them every chance she gets.

As for the Baron Latifolia's human trafficking dealings in the underground market, it has also been uprooted. The knights also reported back to have discovered a room with carvings on the wall that seemed to be dark magic, your highness!"

Casimir held his hand up again and Roman immediately stopped before the former apathetically turned to the fuming Iris.

"Does that answer your question.. Miss Latifolia?"

Casimir immediately stripped her of her title and leaned on his arm propped up on the couch's armrest.

He didn't want to bother waste his time against a person as trivial as this woman but she had to constantly attack and ruin Adira. A bug that incessant buzzes in his ears would soon grate on his nerves, awakening an urge to trample them down.

So much so they wouldn't be able to get back up again.

How dare you attack my woman?

"Now, it's your turn to answer my question, Miss Latifolia. Were you the one that ordered the attack on Adira?"

Casimir asked, his words brisk and crisp. He didn't have any spare time to play games with this woman. More so to take pity at that obvious pitiable act.

She should've known such acts don't work on someone like Casimir that didn't have heart for anyone else.

"This is wrong! My father did no such acts! My father is a reputable man! You! You're doing this to indict my family! You framed him for what? For revenge in Adira's behalf?

Why do you take her side?! You know nothing of the real her! She's vile and cruel! She doesn't deserve to be your princess, your highness!"

"And who should?" Casimir's eyes were challenging and dangerous but Iris was too far in to be intimidated anymore-plus she's far too shocked with the news of her family's state to even think properly.

"Me!" She unflinchingly declared that garnered a mocking and derisive chuckle from Casimir.

"Surely, you jest."

"Your highness! You must believe me! It is only I who can lead you and this kingdom to a more prosperous future! You need to open your eyes! Adira's only bewitching you! She'll only cause destruction upon this kingdom!"

"Miss Latifolia, I do not appreciate you calling my fiancee so casually like that. You need to remember, she's your future queen. Ah, yes. She's not. Cause you won't be here by then."

Casimir was full on raging now. Although the only expression he had on his face was a cold jeering smile with vitriolic platinum orbs.

"Your highness! You're making a grave mistake right now-"

She wasn't able to finish her words when Casimir waved his hands for the knights to pick her up and keep her in the dungeons for a while.

She'll have her turn but for now, he needs to make that bastard cough out the antidote.

Casimir rose from his seat, as soon as Iris' shrieks gradually vanished, and momentarily lost his balance. Roman, Alexander and Leon were alarmed as the former rushed to help Casimir but it wasn't necessary as it was only momentary and he almost immediately found stability again.

They were worried that Casimir was pushing himself too much. It's been three days since the Lady Adira fell unconscious and hasn't woken up yet. And since then, he hasn't had proper rest yet nor a little shut-eye.

"Your highness!"

"I'm fine. Let's go."

Casimir walked away and Roman followed suit. Leon and Alexander were left to guard Adira-after all, he did give them to her. They should do their job.

While walking back to the dungeons, Casimir thought back to what Leon did before he hurriedly went back to his room.


"Your highness!" Leon called when he found Casimir who just exited the throne hall along with William.

The men turned to him and Casimir raised a questioning brow to Leon. This was not where he should be.

"Why are you here?"

"Your highness, I figured it out. The person who carried the aphrodisiac powder was the Lady Latifolia! She was also the one who told me that the Lady Adira injured her!

She has come this time to feed you more lies. What should I do to her? Please give me your orders, your highness!"

At least, you're thinking now.

Casimir's face was frigid as he regarded Leon's kneeling figure and started walking the opposite way as he passed by him. William, although unsure what the prince was thinking, just followed after him.

He had a feeling he was about to see something fun. So why not, right?

And so, on the way back to his room, Casimir gave out orders to finally start his plan he had long conceived but put off cause he needed the girl to tie Adira to him more.

He had already started to doubt this Latifolia woman when she shed tears at the council's office that day. He always thought that she was just one of those fangirls that loved to do anything just to attract his attention.

But he always had this nagging feeling that it wasn't only that. He could also see how she loathed Adira so much but he wasn't sure why.

Was it because he chose Adira as his fiancee? Or something else?

"William, is everything prepared?"

"Everyone's already stationed, your highness. We only need your signal and we can nab him immediately!" William reported.

He nodded his head and finally saw the woman sitting on the couch with her back turned against him and Alexander standing in front of the door to his room where Adira was still sleeping.

Now then, let's start.

Hi! I'm sorry I wasn't able to update on time. I wasn't feeling well because of a message I read. I could be misunderstanding that person's words but I really felt insulted. Sorry for ranting here. I really didn't like how it sounded to me.

Anyway, let's all be happy! Enjoy the chapter! 😊❤️ Banzaaai! 🎉

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