Unforgivble Acts

44 4 1

                    {Third person}

There Clementine saw, her mom. Around her mom's neck. was a nuce. tied tight. and uncomfortable. Clementine's mom was beautiful. and very caring. which must've been what ticked him off. what ticked Ed.. off. Clem couldn't hide in a closet where her mom hang dead...so she went back out there. to confront her dad. loud..."YOU KILLED HER....YOU. KILLED. MOM! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. HOW. AND WHY. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, DAD. YOU SAID.....YOU SAID..YOU'D NEVER HURT. ME. YOU SAID..YOU WOULD LOVE ME TILL THE END...WHAT? HAS THIS BECOME THE END, DAD. YOU'RE A MONSTER....YOU HURT MY FRIENDS.....AND MORE IMPORTANTLY. YOU. KILLED. MY. MOM.....AND THAT'S..... THAT'S UNFORGIVABLE. I WILL NEVER LOOK PAST THIS......SO I CAN END IT....I HAVE THE POWER TO END IT. I CAN END THIS NOW........." there lay Ed's gun.....there are two choices.                                                   [Pick up Gun]                                             [Pick up nail file]

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