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[Kang Seohyun's POV] (2008, in Daegu)

I walked towards the boy near the swing wearing Hoodie and Jeans. That is my best friend, Choi Seungcheol, as I was walking, tears started forming in my eyes.

"Seungcheol, do you really have to go to Seoul?" I asked him as I sat down at the swing,beside him. He nodded. "Why? I don't understand, do you really have to?" I asked again as I began to cry. "Seohyun, I'm sorry, remember you told me to follow my dreams? This is what I want Seohyun, I'm really sorry." He said as he started to comfort me. "But Seohyun... Do you promise that you will remember me?" He asked me. I nodded. "Of course, how would I forget about you? You're my best friend... Promise me that you never give up your dreams as an idol" I asked him. He nodded as he linked our hands together. "I promise Seohyun." He said. "Seohyun I'm going now.. My flight is in 3 hours" He said as he stood up. "Bye.... Visit me! Or I will track you down and kick those Pledis security!" I shouted as he started walking. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Come on, I'll walk you home." He said as our hands linked again. I'll sure miss my best friend.

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