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[Choi Seungcheol's POV] (2016, Pledis Entertainment, Seoul)

"I miss this Seungcheol oppa, I miss us" I heard Seohyun mumbling that words.
My heart started to stop. I remember... She likes me. She confessed back at Daegu.


"Seungcheol oppa?"
"I want to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"I like you oppa"

After that Seohyun ran to her house. She didn't show up for 3 days. To be honest I miss her so much.


Sigh... I miss the old us too, Seohyunnie. I really do miss the old us. When we used to have movie nights and sleepovers on Saturday nights.

I wish we could recreate those moments again.

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