Fluttering Nights chapter 1, episode 2: The Princess

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;Bold; -media
Bold Underline -time skip
(Italics) -narrator
# -scene break
'Bold' -character's thoughts
'Regular' -quote/action

(It's been two days since Cayden and Galanor's little 'episode', the two males being very distant from each other. It's like it created some sort of barrier between them.
Cayden, trying to stay as far away from his friend as possible.
And Galanor, trying to think of way to save his friend from his own pain and grief. He just didn't know how.)

On this day Sir Farquaad was speaking with all his squires individually about their future knightly hood, and little Cayden was next on his list.

Farquaad:"So son, you've been with us for a month and a couple days. I would like to hear what your gonna do when your of legal age to become a knight?"
Cayden:"I...don't know...drill sergeant sir. I've never known."
Farquaad:What do you mean 'you've never known'? How could you join this program if you didn't kno-" 'he cut himself off knowing that the child would answer with a I Don't Know'
Farquaad:"You know what...don't answer that. Listen kid you can't be a authentic Knight if you don't know what you want to fight for!" 'he said slamming his hand on a tree'
Cayden:"Well, if you couldn't tell before sir...i'm only four."
Farquaad:"Nonsense boy, I began my training as soon as I exited the womb." 'he said puffing his chest out victoriously'
Farquaad:"In fact...what was your last name again?"
Cayden:"Uh...Edmark sir, son of Kevler Edmark."
Farquaad:"Ah! I knew the name Edmark sounded too familiar! Your family is famous kid!" 'the tall man said excitedly'
Cayden:"Wait what? MY family,  famous?"
Farquadd:"Yeah haven't you heard about your family's history?"
Cayden:"No, not...really?"
Farquaad:"Are you serious boy? The members of your family are legends for defending royalty!"
Cayden:"My daddy never told me about that."
Farquaad:"Right, wasn't he killed the day before you got here?"
Cayden sadly nods yes.
'Sir Farquaad then groaned'
Farquaad:"...mmmhh, how about this kid? I'll teach you how to be a true Knight and train you personally myself."
Cayden:"Really? You'd do that for me?"
Farquaad:"Sure kid anything for someone that's related to my idols."
Cayden:"Wait, what?"
Farquaad:"Uhhhh nothing...Follow Me!

(As the boy and knight start to jog around 'The Forest of Certain Death' a familiar tune starts to play in the background. A tune with drums and rattles that's from a certain movie made in 1998..... If you guessed 'I'll Make A Man Out of You' from Mulan than you'd be correct my friend.


Farquaad:🎵Let's get down to business, to defeat, those scum
'Cayden:what scum are we talking about?'
Did he send a daughter, instead of his, own son?
'Cayden:thats a little sexist'
You're the saddest mess that I ever met,'Cayden:oh thanks.'
but you can bet before we're through. Hey Boy! I'll make a Man out of you.🎵
Cayden:"And how are you gonna do that?"
Farquaad:"Wait here kid! 'the big man then disappears into the woods and in a few seconds returns with some kind of bear looking thing'
Fight this thing."

(We then shift to Galanor sitting at a table thinking about how he could help Cayden)

Galanor:🎵He's as tranquil as a forest, but he's on fire within
'he stands up from his chair'
I have to find a way to help him before he meets, the same fate.🎵

(we cut back to Farquaad working Cayden to his last breath.)

Farquaad:🎵Your family was a pretty famous lot, but you haven't got a clue. 'Cayden:yeah...no' Somehow I'll, make make a Man, out of yoouu.🎵 'Cayden grunts trying to keep up with his sergeant dashing through the woods.'

Cayden:🎵I'm never gonna catch my breath,


Galanor:🎵Say goodbye to those who once knew him,

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