Part 1

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Screaming. Hyperventilating. Bolting upright in bed. Nightmares are awful. I got out of bed and went to the washroom to splash some water on my face. I sat on the edge of my bed trying to control my breathing. I couldn't un-see the images that were in my dream. Falling beside a man who was shot through the head, running in the woods hearing cries and shouts, people trying their best to avoid death, or at the very least, avoid prolonged suffering. I put on a sweater and went into the kitchen. It was 5:00 am but I knew I wasn't going to sleep anymore. I made some coffee, and sat down for a few minutes, almost unable to move. I just stared ahead. A feeling of dread crept into me as the images started coming back. Different ones this time. Bucky falling off the train. The thought of "If I let go now, I would fall too..." Watching him fall and wondering if I should let go too. Wondering how I could've let this happen. The beep of the coffee machine snapped me out of my thoughts. I got up, grabbed my cup and sat back down, hoping that the coffee would provide some sort of relief or something. It did not. I poured out the rest of my coffee and turned on the TV. The news revealed nothing of great interest, but at least it kept me distracted. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders. The phone rang, making me jump. I looked at it for a while, wondering wether or not I should get it. I finally walked over and picked it up.
"Steve? It's Stark. We need to talk. I'm sending a car over as we speak."
A car horn honked outside.
"Yeah, I think it's here."
"See ya."
I hung up the phone, threw on my coat and shoes and walked outside to the car.
"Hi Happy. I guess Stark's still at home?" I figured Stark wouldn't come when he could stay home.
"He needs to talk to you about Bucky." I could hear the stiffness in his voice.
"Oh. I thought that was fixed..." I wasn't looking forward to another fight with Tony. 

We stopped in front of Tony's house, and I got out. I stood and stared at it for a few seconds. Just then, Stark opened the door.
"Hey," he looked at me for a few seconds then smirked and moved to the side. "C'mon in!"
"Thanks." I walked inside, feeling kind of relieved that he hadn't glared at me or something. We had resolved our conflict after the fight about Bucky, but I still worried that one day Stark would just shut me out or something. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and sat down.
"So, what did you want to see me about that couldn't be said over the phone?" I asked.
"Oh, it's not that it couldn't be said over the phone, it's just easier to explain in person." He said flopping down on his couch.
"I'm listening."
"Bucky wants to stay with you. He's clean now, no more mind control, so I figured I'd mention it."
"Of course he can stay with me!" I didn't even think about it before the words were out of my mouth. I suddenly thought about the nightmares I had, and how I could keep then from Bucky. It'd be pretty hard if he was living with me.
"Great! I'll tell him the good news." He got up to leave, then paused and turned to look at me. "One more thing, Steve. Be careful."
"He's fine. Bucky's my best friend." I got up and looked Stark in his eyes. "I don't need to be careful around him."
Stark smirked a little. "I'll go get him, then."
I sat there for a few minutes wondering how I could hide my nightmares from Bucky, or any of the other stuff. Instinctively, I put my hand over my mouth. I put it back beside my side almost as soon as I had put it up. I remembered taking the bottle of pills out of the cupboard, and pulling off the cap. Throwing what was left in the bottle into my mouth. Looking at myself in the mirror and feeling the tears drop. Spitting out the small pills into the garbage.  
"There ya go." Stark's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Bucky who had this big smile on his face.
"Hey Bucky..." I walked over and gave him a big hug. "I really missed you... you've no idea..."
"I know, I know." He threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked out the door.
"Yeah yeah, you guys have fun." Stark called after us. It felt as if a small part of the weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 
Happy was there with the car ready to go. Bucky and I got in, and he drove us home. 

When we got to my place, I grabbed Bucky's bags and showed him to his room.
"I'm sorry, it's kind of a mess... I didn't know that you were coming, but I'm so glad you're here..." I could feel my voice getting shaky, so I pulled Bucky into another hug.
"Hey, you ok buddy? You sound like you're going to cry..." Bucky looked up at me, the concern plain on his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine... You wanna catch a movie together? You know, to celebrate?"
Bucky smiled. "Of course!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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