The Butterfly

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I sat there in shock as my phone went off again. Arionna was video chatting me to check on my location.  I answered the phone after the third ring, but I didn't say anything.

"I just wanted to make sure you were at least in your car." She said defensively.

"Oui and I got you a water." I debated on whether or not I would tell her what just happened. I haven't talked about it or done it in so long that it seemed like I was living in a fantasy world so long ago. But now that I'm older 16 and three quarters to be exact (My birthday was in about a month), I knew that I wasn't imagining things anymore. So I had to tell her. "Arii, you won't believe this but it's happening again."

There was a long pause before she responded. "Get here now, I'm already waiting outside."

I hung up and began driving around the corner to her house. I knew she would already know what I was talking about, she's my best friend. We knew everything about each other. We lived in the same neighborhood so I was only about five minutes away from her by car.

When I pulled up to her driveway she was sitting on her porch swing eating a muffin, probably blueberry because that's her favorite. As she walked toward my car she had a neutral look on her face, for once I couldn't really tell what she was thinking. But if anything she was probably just as much in shock as I was. She got in the car and took another bite of her muffin before speaking.

"Okay tell me exactly what happened." She looked concerned and curious as to why this could be happening to me right now.

"I was rushing to leave the house, you know gathering my breakfast and getting my keys. And right as you were calling for the second time" (I added with a smile), "It happened."

"So...I am partially freaked out right now...but Sriyah your power is back and you actually controlled where you went. That's amazing. I remember before you couldn't really control where you went but now."

"You're right. Now that I'm older and wiser maybe my body thinks I'm ready. " I said cautiously. "But I'm a little freaked out, what if I accidentally-"

"Go to Paris again? You won't...well I don't know that for sure but if you practice, like train daily. You could really get this thing down packed. You could have full control of when and where." She said confidently. I must've given her a look that said no way because she then added. "Don't worry Sri I'll be there with you every step of the way."

"Merci Cherie, There's definitely no way I could get through this without you." I've never been more grateful to have Arionna as my best friend.

"Alright now, onward to the mall!" She demanded while obnoxiously pointing a finger in the air.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright I laughed, should we pick up Bri? We promised we'd swing by the next time we planned on going to the mall." Brianna was a good friend of Arionna and I. She moved to the neighborhood a couple of years ago and we've been friends with her ever since. So I guess in a way she was our best friend but if that was the case then that meant Arionna and I were best best friends.

"The more eyes to help you pick out your birthday accessories the better." She laughed.

"Ha ha ha." I laughed humorlessly while pulling out the driveway. "I am not that difficult." 

"We've been looking for your sweet 17 dress for almost three months now." She retorted.

"Okay...maybe I'm a bit selective. But hey this dress has to be perfect. You know you only turn 17 once. I have to make a great first impression to the world." I pressed defensively.

The Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now