Chapter 4

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The next morning considered of Cara not being in the car with you, either she went out for a walk. Which wasn't possible due to her bad leg, or the creature got her. Perhaps it was the creature as her stuff, along with the other things was still here. You got out of the car, having a stretch before looking around. Nothing new except a trail of stones. You ignored the stones and decided to head out to the road. Nothing had come along the country road when you first stayed here. Apart from that one car, but you expected there'd be tractors or at least farmers in their cars. Walking on the road you weren't planning to go to far, you were just trying to remember how far it was from town. Or at least how long the woods is.

Skiving your hands into your coat pocket, the cold air was picking up. Leaves were starting to fall from the trees. Suddenly in the far distance of the direction you were walking in was a car. Speeding down the road, you were going to try and make it stop. However before you had a chance to.

"Gaaaaahhhh!" You shouted, being pushed into the forest ground once again.

Someone or something was pushing you down, and it was hurting you. Tried to crawl away, you heard a flap of wings. Before being turned into your back. It was the creature from last night. You could see him clearly now, the brown scaly skin, and almost human like features on his face. The middle of the noise seemed to open and close as he smelled you once again. Though this time you weren't that all afraid.

"Hi." You said, trying to be calm.

The creature blinked before looking into your eyes, making a low rumbling sound. Taking another sniff he got up from you. You sat up from the ground, taking the dirt out of your hair. Making a few more growls, the creature walked off.

"Ok...that was strange..." You said to yourself. "Take my friends but not me."

You looked at the road to see the car had passed. Going out to it again, it seemed you weren't allowed to. Quickly and sneakily, the creature had come back to trip you up.

"Don't you do anything else but that? And steal friends?" You snapped.

You got an growl in response, again you saw it. It brown eyes started right into your soul, before looking away. Grabbing your hands, the creature went to tie them together with rope.

"Guess I get the slow painful death."

The creature glared at you.

"Ok ok, I'll stop." You replied.

Getting a tug of the ropes, you followed it into the woods. Guess you were getting a slow painful death. Well there wasn't much else going on in your life so how bad could it be? Whilst walking deeper into the woods, the creature seemed to be making a whole conversation to itself. As well as hand gestures. You knew it could understand you but you couldn't understand it. Getting another tug on the ropes, you kept your mouth shut. Earning a huff in reply.

"Look it ain't my problem so don't take it out on me." You soon said.

It rolled it's eyes, scolding to itself. It began to think on how it will have to ripen you're heart. Before it could eat it, seeing as no other part of you was worth it. Though just how to ripen a heart? How to change it from bad to good? Just how?

Just when you thought the woods wasn't that big, the two of you came across a rather large wooden shack. Poorly made whilst it looked quite stable. You began to feel a bit off about this. The creature noticed this, stopping on the path. You almost walked into it.

"Well-" You started but got cut off. "Sheesh."

The end of its rope was tied around a tree. Leaving you by the tree, the creature walked into the shack. You took the chance to sit down and think this through. It had you know, and you can't escape, running or even trying to drive it would still get you. Running would mean the silly tripping up it does, plus not to mention it flies, and driving...well suppose it could just destroy the car or something.

"Perhaps it's house cleaning..." You joked with a sigh. "The dead bodies of my so called friends...well Cara and Tina were."

You began tugging on the ropes, getting rather bored just sitting there. Looking up to the sky shaded by leaves, you also saw many branches which were good for climbing. Perhaps that was how it observed your group from the beginning?


"Ow?!" You held the right side of your head. "Stupid!"

It shook it's head, pointing at you. You folded your arms. Getting a shrug in reply as it went back inside.

"Oh ok then, I'm not afraid of the dark!" You shouted after it.

Why should you be? That was the only thing that crept around in the shadows and you weren't afraid of it. With your back up against the tree, you stayed say and waited, and waited. Slowly closing your eyes, you just waited to see what it was going to do with you. Silently hoping it would kill you sooner than later, but there was also doubt with that thought.

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