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Chapter 2

The thrum of the multitude who came to watch her trial alit the courtroom with liveliness as she was brought to her seat, accompanied by two officers. This was the last trial and it was open to the public - something that Ivy disliked with a passion. The media was having a field day in their designated corner. 

She rigidly crossed her arms across her chest.

The courtroom verdict was being filmed live for all to see. The occasional click of a camera shutter filled the tense atmosphere as journalists scribbled their next story.

She had come dressed for a funeral, her funeral. The end of her life started in prison. It was inevitable. She wore a black, satiny mid-thigh dress which delicately clung to her body. Her clothing was the last thing she was concentrated on, however.

It was the attention which unsettled Ivy the most. More than anything. She was never one for the limelight. Yet as she sat in the seat with an audience shuffling behind and the judge relaxed in his own. All she could do was grit her teeth.

It was something that was uncontrollable, all the attention - it came with being the Monroe daughter. Her father was a well-known politician, her mother an owner of a government-affiliated business and her brother was a famed social star.

Even if she was still disowned by her parents, the attention still came. It was no surprise that her arrest was sussed out by the media.

Her leg jolted up and down. Her fingers intertwined with each other, fingers squirming non-stop. She focused intently on one object then moved onto another.

When the Jury walked out of their room, they were all she could see.

They settled, seemingly tense, though it wasn't their time at risk - it was hers.

Sawyer had told her that she'd do time. With the follow-up trials, there were witnesses and evidence stacked against her for something she had nothing to do with. At least, from what she could remember, she knew that she was innocent. 

Deep down, there was an inkling of self-doubt that maybe she did commit arson and she was the cause of someone's death.

The thought only spurred the anxiety to grow, dread filled her to the brim, ready to gush over.

One juror stood as the others settled, preparing to state her fate. 

"Have you come to an agreement on the defendant, Ivy Monroe?" The judge asked as Ivy herself sat up a little straighter in her seat. The Juror nodded.

"On the charge of first-degree arson, we find the defendant" Ivy took a sharp intake of breath as the Juror stated the outcome.


Her heart dropped, she blinked once, twice, thrice and yet she still could not get over the fact that she was convicted for something she was innocent of.

"Are you kidding me?" She murmured, whispering under her breath. Her lawyer, Sawyer himself, kept quiet.

"On the charge of third-degree unvoluntary manslaughter, we find the defendant"


His hammer knocked to silence the buzz that thrived amongst the crowd.

"Ivy Monroe is tried and found guilty for first-degree arson and third-degree, involuntary manslaughter. Her sentence is set between one to three years with parole" 

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