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Chapter 5

His footsteps echoed across the dimly lit street. The moon had fully risen, casting a glow and creating sullen shadows. Down an alleyway, he stopped in front of a rusted metal door, music thumping on the other side. The muffled song became louder when the slot came aside as he knocked.

The bouncer's eyes widened at the sight of him, already knowing who had sent him. Unlocking the door almost immediately, he was let in.

It was packed to capacity, he weaved through the dancing crowd, lights flashing as he moved closer to his target with each lit moment. The bright spotlights causing his irritation to increase.

Upon the stage, were rows of dancers entertaining guests, accepting a steady flow of cash dished onto the platform. He paid no mind to them as he came to stand behind the person he had come for.

"Times up" He said, loud enough to be heard over the music, as the person turned with a fear-stricken expression. The group they had stood with drifted off and away from the imminent danger they sensed him to be.

The hitman.

It was cold and dreary, the car did little to stifle the chill. He pulled off his blood-splattered leather gloves, replacing them with a new, similar pair before starting the engine and driving off. 

He had arrived at the pick-up point and collected his next target's profile. It was in a brown envelope. He pulled out a manilla folder from inside, opening it to skim through each line.

Ivy Monroe, he read.

Location, Birdswood Medium-Security Prison.

He saved the rest of the details for later, only catching a glimpse of the candid photo pinned onto the top right corner.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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