Chapter 1

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Draco Malfoy

Vincent was drooling into his plate as he stuffed his fork into his mouth every three seconds, gulping down three mouthfuls worth of food with each bite. Gregory appeared to be staring out of the window, his great mouth hanging open, giving us all a grotesque view of the half chewed pie in his mouth. Dumbledore was sitting down now, eating what appeared to be a pile of bat droppings that have been sitting in Professor Snape's store cupboard although Pansy had said it was something shed eaten once in France when it appeared on our table. The big, ugly woman who'd arrived with all the prissy French students was scoffing the bat dropping dish like there wouldn't be any house elves tomorrow but dads friend Igor was not eating; apparently he was more interested in making sure his students – or maybe just that idiot Krum – were eating. Krum had been marched in like he was already a Champion just because he had some petty cold. When I'm Champion, Ill prove that I should be at Durmstrang learning the true art of useful magic by using everything Dad has ever taught me, and maybe not just on whatever feeble tasks they throw at us. The Durmstrang students had sat at our table, I guess being at such a brilliant school would make you closest to the most brilliant house at Hogwarts. Krum was sitting annoyingly close to me, grouchy and stooped not talking and staring at each Slytherin in turn, disapproving looks at all of us – what an idiot. A boy with a very pale face, sitting only two seats along from Krum was looking at me with something almost like awe on his face. It took me almost a minute to realise why this boy was staring at me – he was Aleksander Carrow; the second cousin of Alecto and Amycus, friends of Bella and Dad's. Id met Aleksander only a few times before but I had quite a few good reasons to believe he was the greatest dunce there ever was and couldn't help but idolise me. I made a little signal to him to give him the general idea that he needed to shove off. Aleksander looked away from me, reddening to the point of looking like a Weasley wig was on his face. He then leaned over a tiny midget of a girl who was one of about six in the whole group and pointed me out to Krum who glanced at me, and then for less than a second it seemed like he was no longer grouchy. A second later Id shaken off the strange occurrence as I saw Pansy start to choke over her plate of roast potatoes, spluttering and coughing quite alarmingly. The tiny Durmstrang girl squealed and stared with horrified transfixion at Pansy. I had no idea what to do and no one looked like they were about to do anything; Aleksander was now looking at Blaise with the same awe he had been looking at me a minute ago, Theodore was talking to Millicent and didn't seem to care in the slightest that Pansy was in such a state, Vincent and Gregory were still eating - they hadn't even noticed the choking girl beside them. With a speed unseen of Krum either on his unbalanced feet or his Firebolt, he seemed to fly from his seat and had his arms around Pansys waist and was expertly saving a strangers life.

Pansy stayed in the hospital wing for a day before Madame Pomfrey allowed her to be seen by visitors and it was almost two before she was allowed to leave. By the time she could come I had found that I wasn't Champion and Krum the idiot was. The first day we had permission to visit her I waited until lessons were finished to go, I had nothing better to do otherwise I wouldn't have bothered going – the only homework was from Professor Snape so I didn't need to do it. I walked into the wing sweeping a pathetic first-year out of my way in the doorway. Pansy was in a far bed, at the other end of the room Madame Pomfrey was bustling around a bed no doubt containing Potter with an idiot's injury or one of those stupid Gryffindors who thought they could get across Dumbledore's age line.

Pansy already had a visitor, despite the bell having rung about ten minutes before this. The bulky, hunched over form of Viktor Krum was apparently sulking in a chair around the bed, not truly visiting the sitting Pansy.

"Draco!" she squealed annoyingly, "you came to visit me, why didnt you come at break or lunch, Ive missed you." The irritating simper in her voice made me want to turn around and get right out of there, for a second I couldn't ever think why I had gone, then I remembered – Pansy's sometimes OK.

"Hello, Pansy." I reply, already bored.

You. Krum had once again moved before I expected, and was standing facing me, his large, blunt nose nearly an inch from mine.

"Yes, Krummy."I sneer before I can stop myself.

You are friends vith Pansy? he asks despite the fact that I am obviously the only visitor to Pansy the first day she can be visited.

"Well, obviously." I tell him, scooting around him and making my way to the other side of Pansy's bed.

"Don't be mean to Viktor, Draco, he saved my life you silly boy and hes been with me all day and is being very nice to me. Viktor hasn't really got many friends and-" started Pansy looking at Krum affectionately. The mention of Krum's obvious secret had stiffened his form again and his cheeks had started to flush;

"Oh, Pansy, please dont tell anyvone, vat I said to you today, it is sort of secret and I vould prefer zat you didnt tell." pleaded Krum in order to stop Pansy spilling anymore of his secrets. Something in his face was not the arrogant, disdainful look it had always had in my mind. He had a desperate, yet calm and understanding air about is manner. Something about the Viktor Krum in the Hospital Wing was not quite like the famous Quidditch player Id grown up knowing the name of and hating.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry if there are any mistakes in this, I copied and pasted it from Word and it deleted all of the punctuation.

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