Chapter 8.| Maybe it's not the end of us?

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  ~Recap! ~
  We finally arrived at the place where Kian's staying.  I see that it's a cute house with maybe 5 or 6 rooms that aren't too big but just big enough for what's necessary.  I see that the porch light's on and there's a rocking chair that's black leathered on one side of the porche and a small couch one the other side with floral print. There's also a guy smoking a cigarette while leaning against one of the stands of the porch. I can't quite draw out who it is for a while. I got closer. Then I see that it's Sam...

  I saw Sam walk down the stairs and towards Matt and me.  His Face, it looked different;  he looked wasted and as if he was about to strike out on Matt.  Sam walked towards him and started swinging at him.  Luckily for Matt he was able to dodge them. Sam stared losing his balance.  He went in for one more swing and fell to the ground.

  Matt tried to help Sam up and said " Hey man, are you okay?" but, Sam being stubborn and all he punched Matthew really hard in the face and knocked him out.  I ran towards him before his head hit the floor.  I put Matt's head on my laps and tried to get him to wake up. I started to cry. I carefully started to pat his face and tried to get him to wake up " Matt! Wake up Matt! Please wake up! Wake up! Matthew Lee Espinosa don't you dare fall asleep on me!"  Nothing.  I couldn't get him to wake up. 

  I looked up at Sam with tears rolling down my face, I stood up, and started yelling at him " Why in the hell would you do that Sam? Why?"  He looked confused and said " He tried to steal my girl.  Ale you're my girl not his okay?" What could possibly make him think I'm his girl? " Sam. What the hell? I'm Matt's girlfriend, okay? Not yours. What makes you think that I want to be your girlfriend?  We barely met today and you were already trying to have sex with me. Like who does that?  I've known Matt since we were little.  That's why I gave him a chance and not you.  Plus he would never do something to me unless I was okay with it."

  He looked at me with a serious face and said " Fine. I hope you too are happy together.  Don't come crying to me when he does something to you!"  I ran to him and punched him as hard as I could and knocked him down.  He stood up, and said while rubbing his cheek " You'll regret that slut! " Oh.  This got me so furious, I even turned red. Sam had passed the line. I was so fed up I legit ran to him and was about to attack him until Kian came running after me, grabbed me from the waist and said " Woah.  Woah. Ale what's going on here?"

  I frustrated enough and with what Sam told I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started crying. How could I be such a stupid typical sixteen year old. To think that I actually thought that Sam liked me and cared for me, like why? We met today and already all of these things have happened.  It's my fault anyways for getting carried away and letting him get away with what happened at Vidcon. 

  Kian shook me a bit and said " I know that you're not feeling well but, could you please tell me what happened?" I hot mad again I saw Sam in his eyes. I felt fire running through my veins, all I could manage to say was " That stupid douche bag that you call your " best friend " just disrespected Matt and I. Plus he knocked him out!" Kian went over to Matt and started laughing and said " Okay, I got to give Sam props for being able to throw in some good punches when he's drunk." I looked at him with a serious face.  " Okay. Okay. I'll stop bothering you but, please help me carry him to the room that you guys will be using. " He said while picking up the upper part of his body. I nodded my while still giving him a death stare, I picked up his legs and we made out way into the house.

  After struggling carrying Matt up two flights of stairs, Kian dropped him on the floor and said" Well this your room. Oh and damn Matt has a thick skull, it's incredible that he didn't wake up from being out cold but, yeah take care of him Oh and remember always use protection kids! " He started laughing again as he shut the door behind him.

  I tried my best I could to pick him up and flop him on to the bed but, he's so heavy it was difficult.  As soon as I got him on the left side of the bed I took his shoes off, then his socks, unzipped his pants and took them off, finally tugged his shirt off. His clothes were dirty from a puddle of mud that he landed in. After that I went over to my bag and got an over sized t-shirt and slipped on, then got a pair of knee high socks and put them on, and of course I put my hair in a messy bun. Just as I was finishing my bun Matthew woke up freaking out and said " Oh my god Ale. Why am I naked? Why are you dressed like that? Did we do it? Dayana put on some pants please!" I started giggling because it was cute how he was freaking out.  " Matt chill out. I'll put on some sweats okay? Please stop freaking out, we didn't do it okay?" He had a relived facial expression and said " Oh okay.  I wouldn't want us doing something that you may not ready for. I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you. Thank you for reassuring me." I smiled, nodded, and said while kissing his forehead " Sure thing Matt, now go back to sleep."

  He was the cutest thing ever! I went to the basement where the laundry room was and I put our clothes to wash. Luckily the laundry detergent smelled like apples which I loved the smell of.  I couldn't shake the butterflies out of my stomach.  I noticed that there was blood rushing to my cheeks and I knew I was blushing.  As I was thinking about everything that Matt and I had been through, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I immediately thought it was Matt.  I let out the words " Matt I thought I told you to go back to sleep?" But then I felt how the person who was behind me was confused by the way he positioned him self. That person said " What? I'm not Matt. Why would you think I'm him?" I heard disgust in this person's voice turned around in a flash and saw that it was Sam... Holy shit.


  Taadaa! I finally got to update! I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in the longest but, the thing is that I had written this chapter before but wattpad deleted it so I had rewrite it and I had writers block because I couldn't remember everything that I had written down!

What will Sam do to Ale?

What will Ale do about Sam?

Will Matt ever find out about what's happening between Sam and Ale?

Find out the next time that I update!

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   Stay fierce loves ♡ ~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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