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"SEE, THIS IS WHY we don't do stuff from movies

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"SEE, THIS IS WHY we don't do stuff from movies." Nick searched through the cabinets and drawers in the nurse's office, trying to do so as quietly as possible as to not get caught.

The nurse was out for the day, which sucked, but they had also been skipping class for a couple periods; that's when his best friend got the bright yet dumb idea of seeing something he's done in a certain movie. Marty wanted to go skateboarding, which Nick was fine with because he wanted to learn to do that as well, but then Marty decided to try and on to the back of a vehicle like certain character with his name in Back to the Future. Once Marty had ate shit, scraping up his hands and arms and breaking the skateboard, they went back to school since it was the closest place that had bandages and whatever else they needed. How they haven't got caught yet was a mystery to them both.

Marty stood by the closed door with a wad of toilet paper covering his bleeding nose, and his other hand held onto the broken pieces of the skateboard. "Don't act as if you weren't planning to do it too," he said, voice muffled.

Nick looked back at him. "Never said I wasn't." He then turned back and grabbed everything they needed, stuffing bandages and band-aids and a small thing of Neosporin into his backpack.

Marty then flipped off the light and they snuck out of the office, locking it back -- Marty had picked the lock, and honestly Nick didn't want to ask how his friend even knew to do that. They snuck by the other office doors and hurried down the hallway until they got to a corner. They were about to turn the corner, nearly to the bathrooms, when they both froze completely still at seeing Peter and Ned across the hall at another corner. They four boys stared at one another, completely stunned.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Marty whispered.

Nick's eyes narrowed in suspicion before he remembered the glowing thing that Peter had found the night before in Liz's neighborhood. "Uh... Yeah," he said slowly, quietly.

"High schools creep me out. They have a funny smell, y'know?"

Peter ducked back behind the corner with Ned at hearing the voice that belonged to none of the boys, meanwhile Nick and Marty stood frozen by the corner as they looked at the two men walking down the hallway. Nick leaned farther out to get a better look at the guy to see that there weren't one but two of them; one was on the shorter side with longer hair covered by a cap, and the other was bald, holding some type of tech in one hand. The corners of his mouth turned down as they went into a classroom, and not too soon after that Peter was sneaking away from Ned and following them.

"...Your boyfriend is stupid," Marty whispered.

Nick rolled his eyes and stepped into the hallway. "No more stupid than you trying to actually be Marty McFly," he said while walking over to Ned. "Hey! Ned, what's up?"

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