Chapter 3: Too Many Questions

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I knew my love in paradise would be shattered soon. As Mark's phone rang, I knew it would either be Bob or Wade calling to see how he is. Luckily it was just Wade. He's not the smartest one in our group of friends. When Mark answered his phone, I had started to clean the dishes for Mark. It was to show some appreciation for cooking for me. I didn't pay attention to what Mark was saying over the phone because if I did, he wouldn't like it. Doing something Mark wouldn't like is not an option for me anymore. Soon he got off the phone and I could feel his arms wrap around my waist. His warm embrace made me smile wide. "So who were you talking to?" I asked curiously, finally finishing up the dishes. As I turned around to face him he spoke like something heavy was on his chest, "It was Wade. He uh..he wants to come by." My eyes widen and suddenly something snapped. "And you agreed?! Have you not looked in a mirror lately? You look like shit! He's going to be asking questions left and right!" I couldn't control the anger that suddenly rose up inside me. However, Mark could. He slapped me across the face again, "Shut up. Don't be so stupid. We'll make up a story and he's sure to believe it." I shook my head and scoffed.

"I hope you're right." I walked past him and out of the kitchen. As I headed upstairs Mark yelled to me, "Where do you think you're going??" When I hit the top step I yelled back down, "To take a shower. Why? Care to come with?" I rolled my eyes down at him and went to grab some clean clothes from my suitcase. Next thing I know, Mark was right behind me standing in the doorway. I gasped, shocked at how quick Mark had come up here. "Don't scare me like that," I said as I started to walk to the bathroom. Without saying anything, and without me realizing, he had followed me into the bathroom. I had only realized when I started the water and turned around while taking off my shirt. "What do you want Mark?" I asked, slightly suspicious of what he was going to do. "Just you," he simply said as he grabbed my hips and kissed me deeply. Pulling away, I gently jabbed his stomach. It hurt him enough for him to take a few steps away from me. "Not now," I spoke while shutting the door in his face. It was a good thing he wasn't crazy enough to invade that much of my personal space. I suppose I'm glad for that.

After I had stepped out of the shower and got dressed, the front doorbell rang. Wade just arrived. Good timing Wadey-boy. I finally walked downstairs to see Wade and Mark smiling and hugging each other. "Wade!" I smiled and ran to hug him. I tried to act normal and as he hugged me back, I could see that Mark didn't like it. Mark was a jealous one, huh? Soon after Mark had offered Wade to sit down, Wade noticed the bruises on Mark and I. "Hey, what happened to you guys?" He asked sincerely as if he truly cared. Good thing Mark was a more convincing liar than I was, "After walking home from taking Jack to eat last night we both got jumped. Don't worry though, we kicked their asses." Wade laughed and shook it off, luckily believing Mark's bullshit story.

Sitting next to Wade I could see how Mark's eyes went from a happy glow to something more sinister. It amused me in a wicked sense to play with Mark like this. "So Wade, have any plans for today?" I smiled gently to him. "Oh not really. Just came over to see how you guys were and wanted to see if you guys had anything you wanted to do," he smiled back to me. Mark sure didn't like that. "Well we were actually fixing to go eat, right Jack?" At first I was confused but then I realized he was just trying to get Wade to leave. This was where the fun began. "Oh but that doesn't mean he can't come with, right Mark? How about it Wade? Wanna come eat with us?" Mark hated how innocent I tried to play everything off. I could feel every nerve in his body being pinched at with anger. "I mean, I could. Are you sure you guys would be okay with that?" He asked as if it would bother me. Though I knew well enough it bothered Mark.

"You know Wade, you ask too many questions," suddenly, Mark hit wade with a frying pan upside his head. "Oh poor Wade. Why did you have to that to him Markimoo?" I frowned and pouted as if I actually cared. I didn't. It was funny to me to play with Mark like this and have Wade out cold. "You ask a lot of questions too. You wanna be next?" He asked as if his words would scare me. I stood up and slowly took the frying pan out of his hands. "Oh Mark, a fella could get use to this," I smiled and kissed him gently. He seemed to calm down instantly after that. Maybe my lovely paradise wasn't going to fall apart after all.

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