Chapter 11: What Happened?

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After everything got cleaned, the house seemed spotless. It was as if no one even got hurt or stepped foot inside the house besides me. All I could hear was silence as I looked around between the threshold of the living room and kitchen. The silence hit me like a train. What was I doing? What did I become? What did Mark become? What were Bob, Wade, and Ethan going to become? What happened? How did I let myself get like this? Did I really enjoy doing this? Was this just revenge and petty jealousy or did I truly find pleasure in becoming this monster?

It didn't matter at this point. What's done is done and what had to be done was, more than likely, going to happen one way or another. I left Mark to suffer in the basement as I went down the hall and up the attic stairs. As soon as they saw me, Bob, Wade, and Ethan started to freak out. I'm not sure what it was but their squirming and pleas were both annoying yet satisfying. I laughed a bit at it, "You're all such idiots. You know I won't let you go so. Stop. Begging!" One at a time I kicked them in the abdomen and then all I could hear were their cries of pain. I don't exactly know why but their pain filled me in a way that I knew it shouldn't have.

I shake my head and grab Bob by his hair, "You all need to stay silent! You understand me?! I shouldn't hear another peep from any of you and don't dare to think you can get out of here, especially not alive." I smirked and let Bob go and they fell silent to my words. I felt a sense of power inside of me. I felt like I wasn't ignored or pushed aside anymore. I went back downstairs to the ground floor and took deep breaths as I looked at the door that led to the basement. Here went nothing.

I slowly go downstairs to the basement to find Mark trying his best to stop his bleeding. A small chuckle passed out of my lips and Mark instantly stopped to look directly at me. He had this odd look of fear in his eyes. I didn't like it. "Aren't you happy to see me Marky?" I asked with a small and innocent smile with a similar tone of voice. Mark simply shook his head and was silent. I hated the silence from him. I went to him and pushed my finger deep into the cut wound and twisted. He cried out in pain and with a loud yell, that I assumed even the others could hear, I said, "Suck it up! This is what you deserve!" I twisted my finger a little more before I pull it out and I backhanded him. Mark shook, with a blood stain across cheek, where he laid on the floor and didn't say a word. His silence angered me.

I grabbed the baseball bat and began to hit his sides, "Say something now, would you?!" Every time I struck him he would scream and he started pleading for me to stop. I stared down at him and dropped the baseball bat. A growth of hatred for myself started to arise but before I could really let it settle, I kicked him and turned my back toward him. "How does it feel now? How does it feel to be so helpless and have no clue what went wrong? How would you even know where to begin to even try to understand how it feels?" The more I asked those questions, the more anger started to overcome me. Mark, with a harsh cough and blood splattering from his mouth, spoke in a raspy tone, "I'm sorry, Jack." I turned, feeling like smoke would blow out of my ears, "Sorry?! Is that all you can muster up?! Is that all that the big bad Mark can say now, huh?! You're sorry? Prove it! Get up and kill them! They stand in our way and you know it." I was at eye level with him at this point and with a few moments of silence, Mark reached out a hand for me to help him up.

With a small reluctance, I grabbed his hand and pulled Mark to his feet. I looked into his eyes and then kissed him gently. "We can make up later," I said in a soft toned voice. With a simple smile, Mark nodded in agreement. We both headed back up all the way to the attic. When they saw us, Wade, in a pitiful desperation, tried to beg for all their lives, "Please don't do this to us...please...we're your friends! What have we done to deserve this?? We're sorry for whatever we did but please, please, don't kill us!" Mark and I both laugh at Wade as the other two remained silent. I went over to Wade and smirked, "You know exactly what you did, all of you. You all tried to take him away from me and now you'll never be able to try that again." I flicked Wade's right eye as if I were a kid and Ethan cried out, "We did nothing of the sort!" Mark hit him across the face and spoke back, "Don't talk to him like that!" I loved it when Mark was protective of me like that.

I go to one of the corners of the attic and found a hidden handgun, "Special occasions?" I asked Mark with a small giggle. Mark smirked and nodded, coming over to grab it from me. He checked to see if there were any rounds left inside the gun and certainly there was. With two swift and emotionless clicks to the trigger, Mark shot Bob and Wade in the chest perfectly. Before he could point the gun to Ethan, I stopped Mark, "Wait...I want to kill him.." Mark nodded and handed the gun to me. I slowly went to Ethan and put the bullet between his upper lip and nose. This was going to be instant death for him. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

Mark and I cleaned up any blood that got on ourselves and went down to the living room. We sat on the couch together and he held me in his arms. Nothing was going to be in between us again. Soon I drifted asleep in Mark's arms, exhausted from what I had done. Later, I woke up in Mark's bed with fresh clothing and what seemed to be somewhat still damp hair. There was an odd knot in the pit of my abdomen. What happened?

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