Chapter 8: Perfect Timing

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 Mark had me by the hand as he pulled me upstairs to his bedroom. He seemed, excited, like a child on Christmas waiting to open his most anticipated present. However, it also seemed like a different kind of excitement. The smirk on his face said everything. His little mind was whipping something up for me and I couldn't even tell what it would be. Then, as he pinned me to the bed, he whispered in my ear, "I want you....every inch..every last drop.." I couldn't believe the words he was saying. My face had turned deep red like a tomato. Mark's hands started to touch at a place where I had only dreamed for him to touch. He knew how vulnerable I was and obviously he thought this was the opportunity to take advantage of it. I was plenty okay with it. I didn't resist and the only thing I could get out my lips was his name. The tension only grew as he grabbed a box full of items that could only mean that he really wanted it. He knew I wanted it as well. This made all the pain I went through for him so much more worth it. Lucky for us, the sun was setting and his neighborhood was quiet. He told me that by the end of the night everyone would know his name. I wasn't so sure what he meant at start, but at the end it was so clear.

As our bodies were close together, I didn't mind how much heat Mark was giving off. What had happened was the most magical experience I could ever ask for. He sure knew how to treat a man correctly. He held me close, our legs wrapped together, his arms around my body in such a loving manner that I couldn't help but sink into his body and sigh happily. Of course Mark had to chuckle when I did that but I didn't care. I was content and happy and I'm sure that he felt the same. If Mark didn't feel the same then I really don't know what I would've done to him. Who knows, maybe I would've pulled a Lizzy Borden and whacked him an ax? Not that I was getting soft, but I was somewhat concerned about Bob and Wade up in the attic. What if they were already awake and trying to escape? What if they were about to awake and were to scream? I couldn't let anything happen. I had to protect myself and Mark from being suspects to their disappearance. What if their fans have already noticed something odd in their behavior? Maybe I was simply over thinking it. Or did Mark have these same fears and worries? Was I growing weak and disturbed? I suppose it didn't matter. I didn't want this perfect moment with Mark to end no matter the consequence.

I jumped slightly when my phone started to go off. Who on bloody Earth could it have been? When I reluctantly turned over to grab it from the nightstand, it was a surprise to see that it was Ethan calling me. Before answering, Mark nodded his head in approval for me to pick it up. I sat up on the bed and answered Ethan to only be bewildered with heavy breathing and cries of what seemed like pain. "E-Ethan?! Are you okay?!" His words were scarce yet when he answered, his words sent shivers down my spine. I got up quickly to get dressed in an instant. "Where are you? We'll get you!" I motioned for Mark to get dressed as I grabbed the car keys and headed for the front door. Of course the night that I had the most amazing sex, something had to go wrong. Who am I to complain though? Ethan was in danger. Someone decided to rob his house and nearly burn it. Lucky for Ethan I grabbed one of Mark's guns without him noticing and had it in my pants just in case.

Ethan suddenly hanged up and that's when I knew Ethan didn't have much time. Mark and I left as soon as possible and went to his house. The door was already busted and we slowly went inside. I could hear loud weeping and it clearly came from the kitchen pantry. The house was trashed and it was obvious that things were taken with some scorch marks around the living room and stairs. Oh, poor Ethan. Maybe this will teach that innocent boy a lesson that the world is more horrible than he believes it to be. Not everything can be rainbows and sunshine my dear friend. When we found Ethan, he had his face buried in his knees and he could hardly stop sobbing. Though I was opposed to calling the police, Mark did it anyway. When they arrived they took all of our statements and told us that Ethan should stay with us. That wasn't such a bad idea. I do suppose some cops are good for something.

As we got Ethan inside Mark's house, he was hugging us and thanking us like we saved his life or something. He better be thankful. I wasted time for that little blue haired rat; time that could've been spent sleeping in Mark's arms. No matter though, he took the air mattress in the guest room, the one I originally was going to stay in, and we all headed to bed. The next morning, the smell of pancakes filled my senses. It was so wonderful. With my flamingo shorts and a simple shirt, I ran downstairs and into the kitchen to see Ethan cooking. It was odd. Mark was already sitting at the table, eating, and once both of them saw me, they gave me these odd smiles. It must've been my imagination but I swear that I saw Ethan flash a smirk at me. However, I wasn't going to accuse such a thing on the small bean.

With a simple smile I walked up to Ethan and spoke politely, "Did you sleep well?" He nodded at me and handed me a plate of pancakes and a fork, "Well, I slept better knowing that you guys were the ones that came to save me last night. You guys are great friends. So,as a token of my appreciation, I made breakfast for you two." Ethan's eyes glittered and shined as he smiled sweetly at me and then at Mark. It was disgusting. It made me want to vomit. I didn't want him smiling that way to my Mark. I sat down next to Mark and started eating. When Ethan sat across from us, Mark told me something that made me laugh like I was a schoolgirl. "Are you guys like a real thing now?" Ethan's curiosity got the better of him and as Mark nodded to answer the question, he smiled at us like one of our fan girls. "I knew it! I'm so glad it finally happened," he spoke right before he started eating. His words disturbed me in a way that I can't describe. However, I shouldn't have worried so much about what he said. It was the truth but something about Ethan sent my mind in a spiral every time I caught him looking at Mark in any sort of glance. Of course this would be his perfect timing to ruin something as precious as Mark and I's love. I need to stop him but I have no proof of what he plots to do in attempt to split us up. Whatever he tries, Mark wouldn't let it happen. Right? Right?! That's Goddamn right! That runt won't get away with this! So many thoughts to keep track of. Who even am I anymore?

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