Meeting Jeremy

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Mike walked through the front doors and went to the front desk.
A few minutes later he got changed into his night guard uniform.
Mike walked into the dining room where he could see Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica on the stage.
"You guys look better in your photos" Mike said.
He then walked down a corridor and passed a music box.
When he got to the end, there was an office with a desk, phone, tablet and a torch.
Sitting down on one of the two chairs behind the desk was Jeremy.
Jeremy had a light blue shirt on with a black tie on, had black pants and brown shoes.
Jeremy had short brown hair.
He was also asleep in the chair.
Mike shakes Jeremy or Mike shouts at Jeremy

Mike shakes Jeremy
Mike walked over to Jeremy and shook him.
Jeremy then opened his brown eyes and looked up at Mike.
"Oh thanks" Jeremy said.
Relationship with Jeremy: Warm

Mike shouts at Jeremy
Mike stepped in front of the table.
"Wake up!" Mike shouted.
Jeremy then jumped a bit and looked at Mike with his brown eyes.
Relationship with Jeremy: Neutral
"Oh sorry, thanks for waking me up" Jeremy said.

"I'm Mike Schmidt" Mike said.
"I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald" Jeremy said.
They then shook hands.
Mike then walked to the other chair and sat down.
The clock then struck 12:00 AM.
"Ok, let's start the job" Jeremy said and picked up the tablet which had a camera system on it.
Mike then looked at the phone on the desk.
"Oh, William said that Henry left us a message" Mike informed.
Mike then pressed a button on the phone which played a message.
"Hello, Hello, hello, I just wanted to record a message for you for your first night. There are a few warnings I want to tell you. First, the animatronics tend to wander a bit and they will think your hostile and they might try to stuff you in a suit." Henry said.
Mike and Jeremy looked at the phone with wide eyes.
"Also wind the music box to keep my favourite animatronic at bay and flash the torch at the old Foxy in the parts and service to stun him so make sure not to run out of power" Henry said.
Just then the power turned off.
Mike grabs the torch or Mike checks the cameras

Mike grabs the torch
Mike quickly leaned across the table and grabbed the torch.
He turned it on and pointed it down the corridor.
Jeremy also checked the tablet to find that the tablet did not have a connection.
"Dam, we need to fix the fuse in the parts and service" Jeremy instructed.

Mike checks the cameras
Mike snatched the tablet off of a startled Jeremy and started to check the cameras.
However he didn't know how to access them.
"How do you access these" Mike asked.
"Give it me" Jeremy ordered.
Mike gave Jeremy the tablet.
Jeremy fixed it but realised there was no connection.
"Dam, we need to fix the fuse in the parts and service" Jeremy said.
He then gave Mike the torch.
Mike then turned it on and shined it down the corridor.

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