Chapter 1

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Hello thanks for choosing my story to read I really appreciate it. This is my first book so I would appreciate for you to go easy on my horrible writing.

If you enjoy please like and share for others to read this story.

Love you all-James


The rain outside was hitting hard. Washington was always raining but I loved it. Rain calmed me down, if I'm stressed and I hear rain my anxiety and stress levels submerge. Looking out of my large bay window from my room I could see cars passing by and people in colorful rain coats walking down the sidewalk. I loved where I live, everything is so green and beautiful. Everything is perfect here.

"Liam are you almost ready we need to get you and your sister to school and I to work, we're going to be late" My mom exclaimed from downstairs.

We had a cute cosy home with two floors. It wasn't much but I loved it. It was just my mom, sister, and I living here. My dad left us when I was ten. I guess he wasn't happy with his family so he left and got a new one. I'm 17 now and still haven't spoken a word with him. My family and I don't really talk about him much my sister was 8 when he left so she can barely remember him. We manage without him though.

"Coming sorry I kinda zoned out up here" I said trying to slip on my vans. "coming, coming sorry mom".

"Its quite alright just hurry up and get in the car".

"I call shot gun slut" Bella yelled out. "oh hell no you got shot gun yesterday I have shot gun today, mom tell her I have shot gun".

Mom clicked her tongue, "well she did call it first its only fair Liam" my mom says giggling a bit.

"Ugh you both are so mean to me I don't understand why" I said rolling my eyes. "Oh don't be so dramatic it's not like you're going to die you big baby". "Oh yeah and how about I was"

"Guys get in the car now and shut it we're going to be late and I don't have time for you both to act like children". I just rolled my eyes and got in the back. Whatever I guess another day won't hurt. Tomorrow for sure I'll be in the front seat.

We finally got to school and said our good byes to mom. Bella and I split ways as we entered the schools halls. She's a freshman while Im a junior in high school, so we never really saw each other that much during the day except when it was lunch hour. I started to walk down the hall where my locker is located at. I opened it to grab some of my books I need for my morning classes. Once I put the three books for my first classes in my bag I closed my locker.

"Boo", I screeched a little and jumped back. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest right now and my breath is cut short. I look back and notice its my one and only best friend Emma. She could be crazy at times and doesn't know what boundaries are really. If I set a line she can't pass she will pass that line miles ahead and maybe more.

"holy crap Em you scared the life out of me" I said still grabbing my chest.

"I know aren't I amazing at being scary" Em says while flipping her long curly brown hair back. Now looking at her she's very pretty. I mean not my type and would probably never happen because I have Olivia but she really is hot. She has beautiful hazel eyes almost like yellow and light brown skin. She's pretty slim but with curves on her. We've been friends since fourth grade so I know she's had a major glow up since then.

"Em you really need to stop doing that you're going to kill me one day" I said finally catching my breath.

"Alright drama king" Em says rolling her eyes.

"So I was thinking-"

"no" I says with a heavy sigh

"wait you didn't let me finish you dork come one let me at least say it"

"ugh fine but I'm not promising I'll say yes"

"Ok so what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted was that there's this party going on Friday and I was wondering if you would come with me. I really don't want to go alone" Emma pulled her puppy dog eyes at me.

"Really why do I have to go, we have other friends you know" I said rolling my eyes at her and brushing my hair out of my face. Damn I really need to go get a haircut.

"Yeah I know but you're my best friend I want you to come with me, come on please"

"Ok I'll think about it. I'll let you know later"

Emma squeaked and jumped on my back hugging me from behind, "Thank you bestie you're the best seriously we're going to get so drunk we won't know what happened"

"Okay Emma you're now making me for sure not want to go"

"Okay fine but at least drink a little"

The late bell ringing didn't give me the chance to answer back to her before she waved goodbye and walked off to the other directing. God I love that girl as a sister but she can get so annoying sometimes. I started making my way to English class which wasn't to far away. I got to sit down in the far back by a window. I wonder what Olivia is up too I haven't spoken to her since yesterday. I pulled out my phone to send her a text.

8:47 am

Me: Hey I didn't see you this morning are you in school?

She replied as soon as I locked my phone

8:47 am

Olivia: No I got sick I won't be in school today or tomorrow but for sure next week bebe.

8:48 am

Me: Oh no, well don't worry feel better if you want I can come over after school and keep you company.

8:48 am

Olivia: Oh no need I don't want to get you sick ok maybe after I'm not not dying haha

8:49 am

Me: Haha okay well see you after you're sick bebe love you

She didn't answer after that. So I just slid my phone back into my pocket and started clicking my pen. I hope she's alright though. I started to daze off into the trees outside from the window. Watching the rain fall down and hitting the glass making that amazing rain fall noise. Nothing can change this moment right now.

"Alright class before I start I want to introduce our new student, Noah would you like to introduce yourself"

I was brought back out of my dazed out state by Mr. Brooks. Then I noticed the new kid. Noah I think his name was.

"Hi my name is Noah"

Ha I knew it. He was tall around my hight which is around 6'0 with light brown hair that was neatly brushed.

"Um I guess you guys already knew that" He smiled rubbing the back of his neck. I notice all the girls staring at him like he's a piece of meat. Oh come on girls don't look so thirsty now. I mean he is pretty good looking- I mean like I can't deny that. Oh god that didn't come out bad did it?

"Well I'm from California and no I didn't live by a famous person" He said making all the girls giggle. I just rolled my eyes at them. "Alright Mr. Torres find a seat." He looked around and made eye contact with me. He seemed to smirk a bit which made me go a bit red. Why? I have no clue. He started walking towards me and sat at the table behind me. I could feel his eyes burning holes at the back of my neck but I chose not to look back. I didn't want to anyway. I was about to daze back out but he tapped me on my shoulder. When I turned around I was taken back by his sharp blue eyes. He was practically staring into my soul with those blue marbles. He tossed me another smirk.

"Hey" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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