Prologue: A simple hello

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You woke up to your phone vibrating violently, you reached to grab it but your hand was met with nothing. It must have still been in your purse hit, the purse that happened to be resting on the floor where you'd left it last night.

You rolled out of bed, still wearing the revealing dress you'd worn yesterday night. You raised a hand to your head, it throbbed repeatedly, your hangover clearly prevailed over your pain tolerance.

You looked at the time, it read 3:23pm you sighed, it felt like you'd slept for a maximum of 2 hours. You also had a miss call from Jungkook so you wasted no time calling him back.

"What did you want?" You whined down the phone as the drums in your head continued to pound.

"Damn someone has a hangover." He laughed for a moment and then continued. "I was just checking you're still up for tonight but judging by the tone in your voice, I don't think you could handle another night." He snickered, mocking you through the phone.

"You're right, I'm too tired. We go out almost every night, I've had a lingering headache for weeks." You sighed, throwing yourself back onto your bed.

"Okay, at least you you managed to get some hot guys number on your last night out." A clear image of Jungkook smirking through the phone graced your mind.

"What hot guy?" You couldn't remember talking to any one last night, let alone someone attractive.

"I forgot his name. I think it was Jumon or something like that, he was fine! Definitely text him tonight, since you'll be free." Jungkook chuckled down the phone, you on the other hand, were silent.

"That's a little weird. I don't remember his name or even talking to him" You retorted with a frustrated tone. You put your phone on loud speaker giving you chance to browse your contacts.

The idea of messaging someone who you talked to while drunk didn't seem like the best plan.

"Trust me, it'll be worth it. He seemed alright, and if you don't end up liking him you can always help me out." Jungkook laughed again, he'd obviously got the hots for this guy.

"You have Taehyung." You replied, rolling your eyes in annoyance.

"I don't even like him like that so it doesn't hurt to browse the market." He said defending himself.

"Whatever." You giggled, Jungkook was your best friend so it wasn't hard to tell when he was lying.

"Jimin!" you shouted as you read the out the only contact you didn't recognise. "That's his name." You mumbled to yourself.

"Yeah that was it." Jungkook hummed, you'd forgot that he was listening for a moment.

"Anyway I have to get ready and meet Tae for tonight but honestly you should give this Jimin guy a shot." Jungkook said before hanging up the phone.

You stared at the screen 'Jimin😍' was the name you'd saved his contact under, you sighed before bringing your fingers to the screen.

There was no harm in sending a simple hello... was there?

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