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Madison's POV:

It's been 4 hours and no one has heard a peep from Grayson. Both Agnus and Ethan have been calling him non-stop but it goes straight to voicemail. I sit on the couch rocking back and forth sobbing quietly.

"GOD DAMNIT GRAYSON"! Ethan yells slamming his phone down on the table. "Where is he"? I ask my voice shaking slightly. He sighs. "I don't know".


I walk out of the front door sighing. I really don't want to leave my baby, but we need money. I walk over to my white van and throw my black duffle back in the front seat. I dial the number I was given by Noah and a female picks up. "Noah's phone". She says. She sounds like a slut.

"Is the deal on"? I ask gritting my teeth. I hear muffled voices come from the other end. "He says same spot same time". I hang up and throw my phone on the dash.

I start my car and pull out of the driveway. As I was driving my CD started playing. It was the CD I made of Madison singing for me. She has a strong passion for writing songs and singing. I hate that I took that opportunity from her.

As I listen to her sweet voice the song she wrote for me comes on. "Ask me why I did it I said all for love".

Ironic. After bobbing my head a little bit the verse with my buddy Jack J comes on. She begged me to do it but Jack has a better voice. After the song was over I slowly pulled into the always dark alley.

I grab my gun and tuck it in my waistband. Then I slowly grab the black bag and hop out of my van. I walk up to the hooded person and throw the bag down. "3.000 even". I say.

"Is that so"? A grumpy sounding voice says. I pull my gun out and point it at him. "Yeah it is". I say rolling my eyes. "I have shit to do let's make this quick". As he pulls his hood down 20 police cars suddenly surrond the area and he pushes me against the wall.

"Grayson Dolan you are under arrested for drug dealing unlawfully. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you day can and will be used against you in the law of court". He cuffs me and slowly walks me to his car. The only thing I can thing about is what is most important to me. Madison. Shit shit shit.

"Alright Mr.Dolan you have one phone call who do you want us to call". "My twin brother Ethan". I sigh. He hands me a phone and I dial his number. This is gonna be a long day.

Madison POV:

"FUCK GRAYSON". Ethan groaned hanging up the phone. "What happened where is he can I talk to him"! I rush out.

"Noah narked, Grayson's in prison". He says. At that moment my whole world crumbles. With all the charges he has, he'll be in there for life. I fall to the floor with my hand over my mouth sobbing. "What are we gonna do"? I ask looking up at Ethan.

He sighs. "I don't know honestly". He covers his face with his hands. I sit there and think of anything I can do to help. "Oh my God"! I gasp snapping my head up. "What what's wrong"? Agnus asks crouching down next to me.

"Whose down to go on a little ride"? I ask smirking. "Where to"? Ethan asks now looking at me. "Well we are gonna need to find me a mask, bag, gun, and a voice changer". I say standing up.

"I don't like where this is going". Ethan says standing up. I grab my gun Grayson gave me from my waistband. "We are gonna need your car Eth". I say loading it up.

I grab my pink pastel bag and my baby face mask. "Agnus where is that viuce changer you used last Halloween"? I ask putting the bag on my shoulder. She walks over and pulls it out of a drawer. She tosses it at me and I catch it.

"Who is ready to rob a bank bitches"?


Ok next chapter is the finale 😭😭😭 I can't wait to end it.

You guys are gonna be shook when-

And I oop-

Peace guys 😂😂🖤🖤

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