"Geez, you're really a dame, Dame-Tsuna."

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"Youre really a dame, Dame-Tsuna."


"Ahh~ I'm stranded..."

The weather wasn't good as the heavy rain poured within Namimori town. Tsuna could only sigh as he remembered the reason why he was stuck in the very first place.

~ flashback ~

Tsuna walked silently as he carried two plasticc bags that his mom made him buy. He had an umbrella because he was sure that it'll rain cats and dogs any moment. The  sky was slowly turning gray and rumbles of thunder can be heard.

He passed by the park while walking his way home and saw a little boy crying. The said kid was seated at the park's swing bawling his eyes out.

Tsuna swung his head back and forth  looking for the kid's companion. Apparently, he didn't see anyone so he decided to approach the crying boy.


Tsuna smiled as he crouched down towards the little boy. The boy looked at him with teary eyes and whispered a muffled, "What?"

"Are you alone?" Tsuna asked. The kid shook his head 'no'. "Oh, then where's your companion?"

The kid flinched by that question and started bawling his eyes out again. Tsuna panicked and calmed the boy down by giving him a lollipop.

"Here..." he handed the lollipop into the boy's small hands. The boy reluctantly took the offer and looked at Tsuna confusingly.

Tsuna chuckled and gave the boy a pat in the head. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You can tell me what happened so that I can help you."

"T-Tsuzuki-nii was being mean s-so Yu-kun r-ran away from him." the kid stuttered out with a small sniff. Tsuna looked at the boy then asked,

"What did your Tsuzuki-nii do?"

"He t-told Yu-kun that Yu-kun n-needed to go h-home early but Yu-kun d-doesn't wanna go home yet." The kid said as he gave off another small sniff. Tsuna looked at him and gave a small sigh with a smile.

"Perhaps, your Tsuzuki-nii just wanted Yu-kun to be safe from the upcoming thunder storm."

"T-Thunder s-storm!?"

Tsuna nodded as he looked at the now scared boy.

The kid widen his eyes and started to look guilty. "Y-Yu-kun's a bad boy... H-he ran away from big brother...uh~ wahhh!!!!" The kid started crying again and Tsuna once again panicked.

Tsuna tried to calm the little kid when a yell was heard, "YU-KUN!!!" Tsuna whipped his head towards the source of the voice and saw another teen by his age running towards their direction.

As soon as the other teen went close by, he tackled the crying kid. "Yu-kun shhh... Sorry, Big brother's sorry..." he whispered at the kid and the little boy stopped crying. Tsuna just smiled at the scene.

"Mhm mh.." The little boy muttered as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"It was Yu-kun's fault! Yu-kun's sorry Tsuzuki-nii!"

The teen smiled and nodded. Then he noticed Tsuna who was smilling at them.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, nothing I was just-"

"Tsuzuki-nii! That big brother helped Yu-kun when he was alone!" the kid stated with a toothy smile cutting off Tsuna. The teen turned towards Tsuna and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for looking after my little brother when he was alone."

Tsuna blushed at the gesture and shook his head. "Oh, umm. No need to bow. I-I was just doing the right thing."

The teen smiled and waved good bye.

"Bye!! Big brother!!!" The little boy waved as he was carried by his brother, Tsuzuki-nii. The two was about to go off when Tsuna grabbed the other teen's arm.

"Here." Tsuna handed over his umbrella while smilling at them. The teen stared at him questioningly.

"I thought that you both can have it, it's getting dark. It'll rain any moment."

Tsuna smiled at them warmly and the other teen blushed. "Oh, you don't have to, please! Plus what about you??"

"No please do, I insist. I'm fine... I'm nearly home anyways plus,

'Of course the nearly home was a lie...but Tsuna couldn't afford the little kid to be sick.'

it'll keep your little brother safe from catching a cold." The teen smiled and took the umbrella.

"Thank you..."

Tsuna gave one last wave to the both of them before they parted ways. Not long after, it started to rain hard.

'hahh~  just my luck...'

~ end of flashback ~

Tsuna ran as fast as he can until he stopped at the nearby bus stop and decided to stop by first and wait for the rain to simmer down before heading home.

He seated at the bus stop's seat and pinched his brown locks attempting to dry them off.

"Ahh~ I'm stuck...plus I'n dripping wet..."

Tsuna stared at the time and it was already 6:00 in the evening. He got lost in his thoughts when a voice startled and cut him off from his thoughts.

"You're really are a dame, Dame-Tsuna..."


Tsuna yelled as he saw the man with an umbrella in front of him. The hitman sighed then approached the drenched teen.

"Come on or else you'll catch a cold."

Reborn then took the plastic bags and carried them by his free hand while the other holding the umbrella.

Reborn then took the plastic bags and carried them by his free hand while the other holding the umbrella.

"So, I bet that you gave your umbrella to help another person didn't you?" Reborn asked as he sighed at his student's good deeds.
Tsuna blushed as the hitman really guessed spot on. "I-it was a little kid! I couldn't let him catch a cold!"

He reasoned out as Reborn just sighed.

"Yes, yes..."  the hitman stated quite annoyed.

"Dame-Tsuna, one day your kindness will be the death of you."

Reborn simply said while Tsuna on the other hand glared at Reborn...no...scratch that, pouted at the hitman while stucking his tongue out like a little kid.

"Hmph! Stingy bastard."

"Hmph. But you love this stingy bastard."

"S-s-shut up!"

The two walked as if they were the only one's left in the world. They enjoyed each others presence despite the heavy rain pouring down from the gray sky. Reborn chuckled at his lover's childish manner and intertwined their hands as they walked side by side while the brunette just simply gave of a small squeek and blushed by his lover's touch.


The heavy rain here in our country gave me the idea of this short fanfic of this cute couple. The pic from above was drawn by me. Hope you guys love it. :))) 

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