chapter 3- The Brat apartment

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kenzie's p.o.v

"we're here kenz." Annie whispered in my ear, shaking me slightly.

My eyes fluttered open.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched
my body feeling stiff.
I looked out the window to see our apartment building.
It was quite decent looking from the outside, tall with vines and the walls were a light brown. it occurred to me that I would be spending the next 3 years of my life here. this would be home.

The taxi driver got out, helping us take out our luggage.
He whistled,"sweet place you've got here."
"Thanks so much for the ride." Asher said giving him a warm smile and paying him.

He said a sweet but stiff goodbye before driving away.

"Okay, so you guys are in the Brat apartment and I'm in Beigeway, the one right across the street. What do you say we get our rooms, unpack and then meet at around 1 for lunch somewhere?" Asher proposed, as he held onto his luggage.

Annie and I nodded.
"Okay. Call us." I said, grabbing my bag.
He nodded before giving Annie a sweet peck on her cheek and walking away.

Annie smiled as she stared after him.

"You both have totally done it." I snickered, causing Annie to turn to look at me, confusedly.
"Done what?" She gazed at me innocently and I gave her a wink.
She flushed.

"Yep. Totally have." I commented jokingly, as we made our way into the building, heading towards the reception.

"Ugh we actually haven't! But ..." she paused, her cheeks flushing.
I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"I'm sure we'll be doing it soon..." blushed even harder, making me giggle. "Are you serious?" I edged her on curiously

"He kind of implied he wants to.." She turned beet root red making me laugh.


"Good afternoon ladies! how can I help you today?" A bright and chirpy man at the front desk greeted us.

Annie read the tag on his coat that said Nayip Ramos.

"Hi Mr Ramos! I am Annie Leblanc and this is my roommate Mackenzie Ziegler. We have a room here under the name Joseph Leblanc?" Annie questioned.

"Oh please call me Nayip," he said, waving his hand offhandedly,"and ah yes I have been informed of that. Here are your keys Maa'm, you both will be on the second floor, apartment number 20."
He handed us the keys.

"Thank you so much." We said in usion, giving him a smile which he returned.


Johnny's P.O.V

"So where are we going for lunch?" I asked Hayden as we came down the lift.

He shrugged.
"No idea but I'm starving."

"Let's go to the reception and ask Nayip for some recommendations." I suggested and he agreed as we made our way towards the reception.

"I actually really like this building. It's pretty cool and our apartments is sick!" Hayden said.

I laughed,"you only like it cause your room has the view of that strip club downstairs."

He pretended to look shocked.
"That is not true! I didn't even notice it."

"Yeah right." I scoffed.

"We should go."


"to the strip club." Hayden said as if it were obvious.

An amused smile tugged my lips.
"I think you need to take it easy. "

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