-.Chapter Seventeen.-

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A/n: IM  OFFICIALLY BACKKKKK! Yasss. More updates. Maybe not on Fridays cos I have colorguard and its game night. Im super excited to go into Zayn and Nialls relationship cos drama is just starting. I dont know why it said Ch. Seventeen had no writing.. PLEASE COMMENT/VOTEE(: LOVE YALLL THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME! ESPECIALLY 






"Id date a fan" Horton hears a lying ass bitch


Niall wakes up to an empty bed. Memories of yesterday filled his mind and butterflies re-entered his stomach. He gets up and walks into the kitchen. "Morning, love." Zayn smiles from the stove. He loved Zayns food.

He loved food period. 

Zayn pulled Niall to him and kissed him happily. Niall could literally see the happy in Zayns now light brown eyes. Niall loved seeing Zayn so happy. It made him happy. "I love you." Zayn whispers on Nialls lips. 

"I love you, too." Niall says back. 

He was gonna have to get used to that. "You don't have to say it back." Zayn says seeing the slight uncomfort on his face. "I'm happy because I can finally hold you without you thinking I'm a monster," Zayn sighed. "I have never thought of you as a monster, Zayn." Niall lied.

"Right." Zayn scoffed letting Niall go and making his way to the stove. "I didn't." Niall says. "Now, Nialler, lies aren't a good way to start off a relationship." Zayn smirked. Niall felt his cheeks heat at the word 'relationship'. 

Zayn laid their breakfast on the table and as soon as Zayn sat down in front of Niall Jake walked in. "Seriously, man? Theres a doorbell." Zayn said playfully. "Sorry, I got your text that said you and Niall are together so I rushed over to say this," Jake stood in the middle of the kitchen table.

"I TOLD YOU SO, I T-O-O-O-L-D YOU SO! GUESS WHO TOLD YOU? JAKEY DID! THIS GUY!" Jake was twerking on the table. "You're so fucking American." Zayn laughed shaking his head sa Niall blushed. "You and Justin both." Zayn adds. 

"Justin is Canadian." Jake and Niall say simultaneously. Jake got down. "Well, shit, I need some maple syrup." Zayn put a smug smile on his lips. Niall busted out laughing as Jake got some food for himself. 

"Yeah, yeah, ha-ha. Canadian joke. Real funny." Jake stuck his tongue out. "Oh, goddamn that was hilarious." Niall continued to eat. "I saw this really cute guy at the store, bruh." Jake laughed. "He had on an 'Obey' hat and he looked young... He had this perfect ass smile, but he was holding hands with some guy who looked nearly grown-"

"Austin and Liam." 


"BITCH YOU BETTER CARRY ME I AM YOUR MASTER!" Louis yells at Harry. "Is this a new kink or something?" Luke asks. "God knows." Liam chuckled. "Shit, I miss Niall." Austin groans. "Yeah.. Me too. But he claimed to visit his mum. I my opinion he's trying to get away from us." Liam sighs.

"We met up last night.." Luke swallows remembering the events. He and Ashton were still fighting, but Ashton couldn't know. "He misses you?" Luke said quizzically. "He won't answer our calls or texts." Harry says carrying Louis and setting him gently on the couch.

"Seriously? Awhile back Ash had seen him with some dark-brown headed guy." Luke shrugs. "I'm confused; I highly doubt he'd lie to you." Louis says. "Guys?" Austin piped up. "Not now, Austin." Liam hissed.

Ever since Niall had been gone things had gotten out of control. More snappy Liam, more quiet Austin, more pushy Louis, more whipped Harry, more sad Luke, more upset Ashton, Ashton and Calum were always gone.

"But what if-" "Austin!" Liam pushed him away. 

Austin felt tear in his eyes as usual. "No! Im done with you acting like you're all big and bad. I do NOT need this shit. I really fucking dont. YOU pipe the fuck down!" Austin snapped. "Well you go Glen Co Co." Louis comments quietly.

"Call me when you're done acting like an asshole." 

With that, Austin walks out.


"Shake it off, shake it off!" Niall sang to the car radio. Zayn wanted to commit suicide. But Niall was happy so Zayn just smiled. "Aw, It's over." Niall frowns. 'Thank you, God.'  Zayn said mentally. "The drums they swing low, and the  trumpets they go..." Zayn sang to the next song. 

"Am I the only one who gets boners over Trey Songz and Jason DeRulo?" Niall randomly asks. "They better be over me." Zayn eyes Niall and looked back at the road. 

"Never said they weren't." Niall grabbed Zayns hand and hummed. "I-" Zayn was at loss for words because usually it was he who would say those things. "I have a question." Zayn states. "I have an answer." Niall looks at Zayn.

"Who are Lime, Austin, Lewis,and  Henry?" Zayn asks. Niall snorted. "Liam, Louis, Harry." He corrected Zayn. "Louis is the guy that saved me, Harry is his boyfriend, Liam is his friend, Austin is his boy-" Niall gets cut off by a beep of his phone.

Niall, please, Im at the Comfort Inn down my the mall. Come by its an emergency. -Austin

"I'll tell you later, Zayn."


Niall arrived to the hotel. "I'll be right here." Zayn said. Niall got out and ran to room 69. He knocked and waited impatiently. He was now worried. Austin opened the door and pulled Niall in. He hugged Niall and Niall hugged back harder.

"Liam has been such an ass ever since you've been gone. Harry is whipped as fuck. Louis has been bossy and Luke has been moping around. Liam and I broke up I just- Come back!" Austin cried. Niall felt his heart literally break.

"Please stop crying." Niall rubbed his back but Austin ignored the plea. "Please." Niall felt like it was his fault. He was with his kidnapped while his best friends needed him. Niall let a tear go down his cheek. 

"I'll be right back, Austin. Calm down. Hang on." Niall let go of Austin and Austin sat on the bed. He walked out the door crying and got in Zayn's car. "Are you okay?" Zayn quickly turned to his boyfriend.

Niall wiped his tear away and looked Zayn in his worried eyes. Niall swallowed thickly and took a long, deep breath. 

"Zayn, I'm going home."

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