City of Pickering Part 7: A Power Plant's Wish

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Letting out one last horrified gasp, Eddie lunged at Frederick and wrapped his arms tightly around the ATI's pole, burying his face in the cool, comforting metal as another sob erupted uncontrollably out from his throat. "Oh, Frederick," he cried. "What are we going to do?"

No reply came from Frederick, and, with a chilling certainty, Eddie realized that for the first time since he'd first met him, the ATI was utterly clueless. And when even an ATI Sound Blaster HPSS32 air raid siren didn't know what to do, things were extremely bad. Sighing deeply in an almost vain attempt to relieve his stress, Eddie pulled away from Frederick and allowed his arms to drop limply to his sides before turning to gaze helplessly at the Great One.

Well, I know what I'm going to do! the nuclear power plant announced angrily. I'm going to send every single one of the ATIs over to the Pickering GO Station and teach those anti-nuclear activists a lesson they won't soon forget!

"No, Great One. Please don't," Frederick pleaded the Great One gently. "We already lost Five because of them. We can't lose any more ATIs." The ATI bowed his head, and his eye closed in a solemn expression of despair. "If we do, we will be severely weakened." Despite the confidence that Frederick was showing, however, it was clear to Eddie that he was fighting with all his strength not to mention anything that may indicate what had happened to Comet.

This is stupid, Frederick! the Great One flashed back at him. I'm sick and tired of being ridiculed and discriminated by them! I just wish I could put an end to this!

As if the nuclear power plant's frustrated words had summoned it, the small, gently rounded, gray head of a fish poked out from between the thick reeds and yellowing grass that edged the tree line. Quickly, it glanced in either direction as if to make sure that no one was watching it, and scampered out onto the beach. "Howdy again, folks," it greeted Frederick and the Great One as it hurried up to Frederick.

Frederick peered suspiciously down at the fish, while Eddie looked on in bewilderment. "Who are you, anyway?" Frederick queried. "You came out of the lake and walked right across the beach here just a few minutes ago, but now you're back."

The fish let out a loud, rough cackle of amusement. "Why, sonny, I ain't just any fish!" it announced cheerfully. "I'm the Wish Fish! Make any wish, and I'll swear on my soul it'll come true!"

"The Wish Fish?" Eddie was far too curious now to remain silent. He moved forward so he was in the fish's view and asked, "Really? Can you actually make any wish come true?"

The Wish Fish blinked his huge, bulging eyes at Eddie. "Yeppers. Say, buddy, the reason why I came to see you guys was because I overheard you when you came running onto the beach, yellin' about some anti-nuclear group vandalizing the big ol' train station. That bunch of cow spit true?"

"Yes, Wish Fish," Eddie replied, nodding solemnly. "It is very, very much true indeed."

"Well, then." The Wish Fish rocked back on his tail and, despite being a fish, was miraculously able to draw in a long, deep breath of air and let it out again with a whoosh. "I'm going to allow one of you three to make a wish. Whoever makes the wish can actually make a second wish as well."

Before Frederick or Eddie could speak, the Great One had already began. I wish, it growled angrily, That Sunshine and all her anti-nuclear activists could get wiped off the face of the earth forever!

"Alright." The Wish Fish gave a small, understanding nod. "Now, my nuclear friend. Yes, I know you are!" he added quickly as the Great One's energy field seemed to light up in surprise at the Wish Fish's recognition of it. "What is your second wish?"

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