Good to be back

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It's been 4 months since Smith was taken into hospital following the house fire. She was discharged a week after surgery but on strict orders from the doctors to rest , so that's what she did. Matt had been her rock, he was always there rain or shine.

Rebecca's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open, sweat dripping off my forehead, I grip my chest finding it hard to breathe.

A minute later I see Matt rushing in and wrapping his arms around me

M/C: "I got you, I got you okay. You are safe"

My body leans back into Matt, my hands gripping onto his arms trying to steady myself.

After awhile I began to feel better, I turned to look at Matt who was glancing down at me
"Matt, thank you for being here, for looking out for me."

I see his face light up and begin to smile

M/C: "That's what friends are for, anyway let's go it's your first day back at work"

Matt pushes me up, we both laugh and I grab my stuff and head to the bathroom to get ready.

While I was getting ready I had a feeling in my stomach...I was so nervous to get back to work but excited to see everyone again.
When it all happened I shut off to everyone accept Matt.. it was my way of coping with everything.

M/C: "smith you ready?!"
R/S: "yeah I'm coming!"

I grab my bag and walk out to the living room where Matt was leaning against the wall waiting for me.

R/S: "Damn...looking good"

M/C: "well thank you , you don't look bad yourself."

I cant believe I said that out loud about a lieutenant.. but it's true..he looked so good just lent against the wall.

I shake my thoughts off ,smile at him and then go to work.

As I walk up the path to 51 and I see everyone stood waiting for me

"Ahhhhh welcome back smith!"

"Hey guys!" I grin and hug everyone and then stand back

"It's so good to be back! I've missed you all"

Chief Boden walks out on the the apparatus floor and greets me with a hug
C/B: " nice to have you back"

The whole room fills with silence just As the bell goes off

"Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, engine 51- house fire 421 holt lane"

The Chief claps his hands together
"Let's go people"

We all move quickly, jumping into action, getting in our correct gear and heading to the location given from the over head speaker.

On arrival we could see that the fire was a big one, severide and Casey called out orders to people and they got into position

L/S: "Smith you're gonna work with me on this , come on!"

Following lieutenant severide's orders I worked with him on the call and everyone else did what they were meant to.

There was only one person injured in the fire, they were taken to Chicago Med for further treatment by ambo 61. We tackled the fire , did a secondary search before leaving to go back to 51.

L:S: "nice one today smith."
R/S: "thanks lieutenant"
Capp: "it's nice having you back again smith we definitely need you on squad"

Severide laughs and nods

L/S: "Capp stop flirting with the girl, she's taken."

I choke slightly and look at them
R/S: " I'm sorry what? I'm taken by who?"

L/S: "oh come on smith, we all see how you and Casey look at each other  it's so obvious"

Capp: "oh yeah I forgot you guys were a thing, sorry my bad "

I didn't respond and Just stared out the window thought about what severide and Capp said , eventually we arrived back at 51 and I jumped out of the squad truck and looked over at Casey, who was looking over at me, I gave him a slight nod. I put away my things and then walked into the locker room and waited for him. A few minutes later he walks in

L/C: "what's going on smith"

I don't say anything I just walk closer to him , I look up at him. his hand move onto my cheek slowly and he caresses it gently before moving in. Our lips touch and my hands grip onto his shirt tightly pulling him closer to me.

A few minutes later I pull away and put my head in his chest and he holds me close
"Are you sure I'm who you want, there are a lot of pretty women out in Chicago."

Casey lifts my chin up
L/C: " I'm 100% sure that you are the only one I want"

He leans in again and kisses me gently but so passionately, I'm kissing him back as he begins to  back me against the wall.

Before anything went to far we pulled away

L/C: "I don't want it to happen like this.. I mean I do because you are beautiful and I haven't stopped thinking about you. I want to take you out"

I bite my lip and smile
R/S: " like on a date?"
L/C: "yes like on a date, after shift I'll pick you up at 8"

He kisses my cheek and walks away before I could say anything else

I trace my fingers over my lips and close my eyes

"Well... he isn't my lieutenant."

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