Im sorry

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Everyone stayed silent, I stared down at her stomach, it can't be mine..can it? I glanced up at Hallie and she smiles at me

H: "can we go somewhere and talk."
L/C:"uh sure know where my office is. I'll be there in a minute.

Hallie walks past me and straight to my office. I turn looking around to everyone

L/C: "where is smith?"
L/S:"she went for some air.."

I sigh and run my hands over my face and nod
L/C: "can you go make sure she's okay?"
L/S:"yeah sure"

I walk past him to my office and close the door once I'm in the room with Hallie

L/C:"why now..why wait till now?"
H:"I've been out of town just got back. I want us to be a family."
L/C:"we can't, we aren't right for each other and I'm seeing someone."
H:"oh yeah I saw that, but this is your baby girl."
L/C:" are having a girl?"
H:"we are..we are having a baby girl"

She takes my hand and places it against her stomach.

I smile and hug her

L/C:"we can sort something out okay? I'll be there for the baby but me and you? It can't happen.."

She nods and we make plans to meet up after my shift ends , then she leaves and I walk out to everyone else

L/C:"how's smith?"
L/S:"she isn't talking.. do you wanna talk to her."

I nod and walk out to her

L/C:"smith..I didn't know,I'm sorry."
R/S:" I know, I'm happy for you."
L/C:"I'm going to be there for the baby..but I told her I'm with someone."

Rebecca turns to me and she kisses my cheek

L/C:"can we talk later?"

She nods and walks back inside, I follow her in and sit down with everyone

-truck 81, squad 3 , ambulance 61, house fire north Broadway-

L/C:"lets go,let's go,let's go!"

Everyone on shift sprung to action, and were at the scene within 5 minutes of the call

L/S:"smith with me."
R/S:" yes severide!"

L/C:"Otis get a line, Cruz sort the aerial. Mouch Hermann with me!"

We rush in to do the first sweep of the house and try to find the fire. Looking around the room I couldn't see anything only smoke.


From another room I heard a voice

L/C:"guys this way!"

I lead Mouch and Hermann to the other room and kick the door open. A little boy curled up in the corner of a room

I walk over to him

L/C:"hey are you hurt, can you stand"
The little boy looks at me and nods
L/B:"I-I can but they are in there."

I look to where the little boy is pointing to see a trapped door

L/C:"mouch get the little boy out. Hermann go with him! Then come back!"

They are hesitant but agree and quickly get the boy out of the house while I see what's behind the trapped door

- Outside-

H: "chief it's not looking good in there!"
C|B:"the smoke has turned black!"

Chief Boden speaks into the radio

C/B:"severide where is your location!"
L/S:" me and smith are sweeping upstairs chief."
C/B:"get out of there the smokes turned black you have at-least 1 minute"
L/S:"copy that sir! Smith let's go!"

-back inside the fire-

Smith and severide make there way down the stairs to leave

Smith clocks Casey trying to open a door,she heads over to him to see if he needed help

L/C:"help me open this!"
R/S:"yes lieutenant!"

They eventually open the door and look down to the basement.
L:S:"smith get out! Tell Casey the same!"
R/S:"we have found multiple victims call out for multiple ambulances get them here quick!"
L/C:"smith get out this place is going to flash over!"
R/S:"nope I'm not leaving you!"

Casey and smith both get to work and help the victims out just in time before the fire explodes.

L/C:"Chief get CPD down here.. the victims were trapped"

Chief Boden nods and calls for the CPD to come down and speak to the victims before they head to the hospital to get checked out while Casey and his team stop the fire and then head back to 51

- at 51-

I get out the truck and put my coat on the hook and make my way to the bunk room to fill out my paperwork , I look over and see smith lay on her bed. I get up and open my door

L/C:"smith come here a minute"
R/S:"I'm good lieutenant.."
L/C:"I wasn't asking."

I watch her get up and walk over, I close the door once she walks into my office

L/C:"when we are on a call, if I tell you to do something , do it. Don't ignore me,You could of hurt yourself."
R/S:"so could you."
L/C: "I gave you an order, follow it next time okay."

She nods and goes to open the door but I pull her back to me

L/C:" I don't want you getting hurt okay."
R/A:"I know..but sometimes I's apart of the job."

I rest my forehead against hers and kiss her slowly then pull away.

L/C:"we will be okay won't we?"
R/S:"yeah baby..we will be okay."

I relax and hold her close after a minute or so I kissed her forehead and let her go

L/C:"Go be with everyone else I'll come in soon, I need coffee."
R/S:" okay see you in there."

I watch her walk away and smile. Once I finished my paperwork I join the others and get a drink.

Station 51 had a few more calls that shift, when the shift was over everyone headed over to molly's for drinks.

2 days off is definitely what I need..accept now I have to deal with the fact I'm going to be a father..

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