Michael Imagine 02

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You were heading home from running errands when you saw a flyer for a fair that starts today and ripped it of the post it was stapled to. You basically ran home after grabbing the flyer just to ring up Michael to inform him about said fair, you didn't even bother to put your items away and just tossed them on the floor. You grabbed the phone and dialed Michaels number without missing a beat. "Hello?" You could hear how groggy he was, you should have known he was still asleep but this was a serious matter in your eyes. "MICHAEL THERES A FAIR IN TOWN AND WE /HAVE/ TO GO!!!" Your voice rang through the entire house. You could hear a chuckle on the other line. "Y/N don't you think you should maybe be a bit more calm about this? It's just a fair" you gasped "This is not 'JuST a FaIR' Michael, it's /THE/ fair" you mocked. Eventually you convinced Michael to go to the fair with you because let's face it, you have a massive crush on that man (who wouldn't)  and you wanted to try and make your move since you knew he wouldn't. 7:00 pm came around and you heard the doorbell. You ran downstairs nearly tripping over yourself just to get to the door as fast as you could. You opened the door to see Michael kind of dressed up, nothing too fancy but kind of too formal for a fair. The drive to the fairgrounds was a bit quiet, just simple exchanges like how are you, anything new? So on and so forth. Once you arrived Michael opened your door and linked arms with you making you both chuckle. Michael being the gentleman he is paid for both of your tickets telling you not to worry about it. You were so fascinated by all the lights and machinery you didn't notice Michael looking at you with a big ol grin on his face. You drag him around to go to the petting zoo the fair has set up and offer to pay for the animal feed but of course he refuses and pays instead. You two were so captivated by a little lamb that was sitting by itself. "Mike look how lonely it looks, the poor baby" Michael just smiled at you and how much of a little kid you were being. You walked over to the lamb and fed it nearly all the feed when Michael dragged you away before you started crying. "Michaellllll..... the lamb" you said with a frown. "Love, there's more animals to feed, look you don't have enough to even feed a fly" he laughed. He gave you half of his feed and you two continued to feed the other animals. The night continued and you guys rode a few rides together, nearly died like twice (not really though) you had basically lost your voice by 9pm and figured that was it for the more intense rides so you and Michael decided to play a few games. At one of the booths you saw this cute teddy bear which you wanted really bad but you failed far too many times but Michael came to the rescue and won the bear for you. It was already getting near closing time so you and Michael decided to ride the Ferris wheel. You two were sitting next to each other and looked out to the city with awe. You wanted this moment to last forever, you felt you and Michael were a true couple, he was being so nice to you tonight and it made think what could happen if you two were really a thing. Michael grabbed your hand, snapping you out of your trance. You looked at him and he smiled and grabbed your face to go in for a kiss. You smiled and backed away. "Y/N I really like you, I have for sometime." He says getting closer to you face. "I like you too Michael" you say pulling him in for another kiss. When you went home that night you couldn't help falling asleep with a smile on your face

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