Graham Imagine 01

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It was the night you've been looking forward to for months already, you got to see your favorite band in concert. You've been planning everything since before you even bought the tickets. You intended to get to the venue a few hours earlier to get a decent spot since it was a GA concert however, traffic was TERRIBLE, like to the point you missed the opening act. You rushed your way through security and once you got near the stage, you realized... you couldn't see. You did everything you could to get a semi decent view but everyone was taller than you and you weren't able to push your way past any of them. You were extremely upset at this point, all you wanted to do was crawl into a ball in cry. You were just standing there trying to fight back the tears but once the band walked on stage you couldn't control it. You let loose and started bawling. The majority of people ignored you or didn't hear you but the guy right in front of you caught a glimpse of you and noticed you were upset. Not knowing what exactly to do he patted you on the shoulder "what's wrong? Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" He said with a concerned look. You looked up at him and told him that if you told the truth he wouldn't laugh to which he promised. You told him about the whole height thing and looked at you with a smile. "If you want you can sit on my shoulders? I mean no one is behind us, and I'm fairly tall. It's not a bother at all" he said kind of squatting down just Incase you agreed, which, you did. You felt bad you didn't get the strangers name, but you did appreciate the fact he wanted you to have a good time. The whole night you two kept singing (more like screaming) along to your favorite songs and kept making each other laugh. Once the gig was over you ran into the kind stranger near the exit smoking from his pipe and immediately ran over to him to thank him. "I'm y/n by the way, I really appreciate what you did, hopefully you won't be too sure tomorrow" you said with a giggle. "Oh no worries, I've experienced worse. I'm graham" he said extending out his hand. You two walked to your car and kept talking about life and comedy and stuff like that. You learned that graham was a doctor but decided to pursue comedy instead which you thought was a bold and inspirational move. You two exchanged numbers and made it a habit to go to nearly every concert together or just have a nice brunch on a Sunday afternoon to which you both always looked forward to

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