Until the very end (pt.2)

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My moon
Why do you shine so bright?
Even during the day
I can still see your light

How do you do it?
How have you never been dimmed?

I sit on this rusty swing
Waiting for shooting stars
I am here to make a wish

As you can see from up there
My life has been going through twists and turns
Nothing has ever been smooth for me
Theres too many bumps on the road that I walk
And no one to help me

I wish for that someone
I'm waiting on shooting stars
For I can wish for a support

I do not need you to fix the twists and turns
I do not need you to make my path smooth
All I need is for someone to support me
To keep me company while I walk this road

I will visit every night
And sit on this swing
As I look at your light

Until my wish is granted
I will wait for you until the very end

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