Maybe it was stupid, but I was tired of it. I violently threw the door open, grabbed my sister from the room and drove away, never to return to the town i grew up in. My sister hasn't talked to me since she got out of the car that night, but if she didn't want to be protected, i wouldn't. Rose was so stubborn back then, i guess she never asked to protected; i was just the brother to do that. After the Psyco's escaped and Mom and Dad died, that's just what i did, protected her. Not just from the Psyco's, but from the people like Henry to.
Its been 8 years since i've seen her. Alots changed to i've gotten "married", and had 3 children. I try my best not to think of her, but recently I've been having night terrors, and so i have to leave to find her. I can guess where she would be, but the parts that are still livable is also large and dangerous. I made my mind up after another sleepless night, I didn't-I couldn't tell my wife, for she already clock I would leave to find her.
I spent most of the morning just planning my escape. Then it happened 8:24 am, that was my time. I knew i had to go now or I won't ever leave. As I slowly turned from the clock, I picked up my legs and managed to roll out of bed. When my feet hit the floor the sound created an echo. I then proceeded to stand in front of the window like any other morning. I checked the fence to see if it was still up, and also to see if the electric on the fence was still running. After I made sure it was still safe, I grabbed my blue jeans, and red flannel. Then I put my old and almost falling apart belt, and my only cowboy hat. I headed to the bathroom where I found myself staring at my reflection. My once wrinkle free face has become stressed and tired. My hair that was once all brown had streaks of silver through it.
"I am only 30," I told myself.
"Graying before 60 wasn't inherited.". I thought.
I stared at my brown eyes, and even they looked like they've seen better days. After my sudden reality check, I began to laugh at myself. As I left the bathroom, and walked back into mine and Dianna's bedroom, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be the last time I was in this old farm house. I quickly reminded myself that even if I was on my death bed, I'd make it back to them. I exited the bedroom and was now standing at the top of the stairs. My hand gripped the railing and I took my time getting down them. When I reached the bottom of the steps I walked into the living room and grabbed a small brass key off the mantel. Then I walked over to the gun cabinet in the corner of the room, unlocked it and then grabbed Dad's old 20 gage shot gun. I grabbed as many boxes of slugs as I could and started putting them in various pockets. When I was done I walked over to the front door and slipped on my boots, and then threw on my faded green coat. As I zipped the coat, I could hear my daughter, Scarlet asking the usual questions that she asks me in the mornings.
"Is it safe?", "Can we go outside now?", "Am I old enough to go outside the fence yet?", questions like that. When she finally finished her rounds of questions she looked at me for a reply, but I felt my heart sink, and all I could do was go down on my knees and hug the confused child. After that new questions seemed to arise, but my hand was already on the door knob, and I couldn't handle the sound of sadness in her voice. When I was out the door I just happened to remember a friendly Stray, he was telling me how the Psycho's had stopped grouping up as much, and are now more scarce. Perhaps their psychological differences have made them afraid of each other. But none of that truly matters, it'll never be safe without a weapon out there. When I was walking and thinking I saw the three swings covered with snow, and the snowmen that are now blown over.
I continued until I was standing at the gate. I grabbed the cold metal latch and let myself out. When the latch was put back down ii lifted my head to the house, and the life I've been living for the past 8 years. My mind searched through all the memories to try and pick out one that made me un-happy. With my family I never thought of Rose, I knew she was out there and that I couldn't help her anymore. Of course there was little things that happened, but never anything worth leaving about. I stared to pick my feet up when something caught my eye. I looked at the front porch to see Dianna holding Zack, while Scarlet and Chase were tugging at her shirt asking the same question, "Where's Daddy going?", "Why's he leaving?". My eyes teared up, but I held it back and took a deep breath. I loved my Wife, my Kids, and-well my life in general. So why was I leaving? I could go months without sleep, so the nightmare's didn't bother me. I just couldn't figure it out.
I lowered my head in guilt and shame, and turned back to the road I haven't walked in years. I took one step at a time, as slowly as I could without acting suspicious. At that moment I was hoping-praying my self conscious would stop me, but then again it was my self conscious that got me into this situation in the first place. As if my prayer was ignored by the Man himself, I didn't turn around, and my guilt didn't go away. I haven't said a word to them, not a good morning, or even a smile; and now I'm leaving them in confusion. I loved them. I wanted to tell them I'd come back with Rose, but I knew I wouldn't be back tomorrow, or the next day. I wish I could explain it to them, and tell them the whole story, but I don't have the guts to.
To Find My Sister.
TerrorThis is a story of a Brother, Jim Keller, who must find his sister. He leaves his 3 children and his sweet heart in order to set things as they should be. But this isnt just a reunion story, this story also involves the easily tempered Psychos, (som...