The return

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(6 years later, onboard Kings Ghidorahs space battleship "Conquerer")
King Ghidorah stands on the bridge of his ship, staring out into the dark abyss to which he had emmased his empire. Footsteps can be heard from behind him, it is a man, wearing a red cape with red hair and sideburns, he folds two three fingered hands behind his back. As the man gets closer to him, Ghidorah can hear a labored breathing pattern. He could tell who it was, it was his bio-medical officer, Destoroyah. The breathing was a result of a gaping hole in his chest cavity. "Ghidorah, we have sensed something on our bio-scanners. It is being detected as a friendly signature, the signal is very faint and seems to be electronic in Nature." Ghidorah turned around, his white, pupilless eyes gazing at Destoroyah with a oddly angry look. "What is the signals designation?" "It seems to have been believed to be deceased, as its record was put into a recycling channel. We can pinpoint its location, but not what planet its on or if its even on a planet. Should we take the risk, it could be a trap?" Ghidorah looked back into space. He had just conquered the arm of space given to him by his father, but it was not without conflict, some of it still existing, and he had squandered his resources gaining his new empire and had none left to defend it. More soldiers would be beneficial to his cause. "Yes, set a course for it, have the fleet stay back with the rest of the navy." Destoroyah nodded in approval. "I will put Mecha-Godzilla on it right away, but sir? What member have we lost that could still be alive?" Ghidorah thought for a moment. " I dont know Destoroyah, its been so long. We will just have to find out" The ship slowly turned its hull and began to change course.
(Monster Island, Present day)
On one of the many cliffs bearing the shore of the huge island, stood a man, with the pride of a king. He wore black combat armour with green engravings, he had medium spiky hair and yellow eyes. It was the King of the monsters himself....Godzilla, son of the mighty Goejira who attacked Japan so many years ago. He was on a eternal quest, to fix the reputation left behind by his father. Godzilla could hear the flap of wings, but a soft flap, not like that of his nemesis. A small hand landed on his shoulded and snaked to his chest while another hand gave him a half-hug. "Hello, my king." She said in normal, yet slightly seductive voice. Godzilla gave a nervous laugh and turned around to see his wife, Mothra standing their in a cotton coat. They both hugged each other in a moment of mutual love. "Kiryu wants you to return, he says he is having trouble with the prisoners." she whispered into his ear. He retreated from the hug and replied "Ill be right there." He walked backwards a few feet and did a backflip off the cliff, landing softly into the water below. "He always was the master of badass entrances and exits." Mothra says to herself with a light laugh as she begins to fly off.
(Monster Island facility)
Beeping and clicking can be heard throughout the room, as Kiryu searches through the terminals and computers. Metalic banging suddenly rings out behind him. He turns around to see two hands gripping the bars of the prison cell near the back of the room. Suddenly, from the dark, two sets of red and orange eyes illuminate with a ominous light. "Let us free, and we will make your death less painful." Looking back at them, wearing a metallic spiky helmet and silver armour, Kiryu replied "As a robotic creature, I dont feel pain, but Ill make sure you can." The figures both looked at each other with devious smiles, the female of the two said back "Then we will just make your life unbearable!" As soon as she said that, a shockwave travelled across the floor. When it touched the computers, they short circuited, causing a array of sparks and flashes to fly right in Kiryus face. He raised his hands to block the sparks, which only lasted a couple of seconds, until the computers fell into a deep sleep. As this concluded, Kiryu cupped his hands in his face and leaned on the terminal with eternal frustration. He could hear dripping water with large thundering footsteps behind him. He turned around to see Godzilla, with Mothra close behind. "Where have you been, Ive been calling you for the past hour?" Kiryu said with annoyance. Godzilla replied "Sorry, my earpiece must have short-circuited from the water" Kiryu shivered in his metallic skin for a second and said "Dont say that, im about to have migraine." Godzilla looked to the cage which was only now illuminated from solid daylight, making the two completely visable. The female of the two, was taller and had many spider like legs, The male was shorter and only had two spider legs as well as two wings.
They were Femmuto and Hokmuto respectively, Godzilla's latest rivals. "So, what seems to be the problem?" Godzilla said in a midly threatening tone. Kiryu gave out a long sigh and stated "Well, ive been trying to investigate an anomaly on the tracker, but every time I open the computers, they send out an E.M.P and...short-circuit them. Ive been trying to find ways to block it, but to no avail. I called you before I dissect them out of rage" Godzilla walked over to the cage, locking eyes with Femmuto. "Are we going to have a problem?" he said menacingly. The Muto gained a devious smile and replied "I sincerely hope so" before stomping her foot again, letting out another shockwave and achieving a frustrated yell from Kiryu, who was under the terminal trying to get it online. When he came out, he had burn marks on his face in a similar style to warpaint. "For the love of god, can you please move them offsite before I begin torturing them?!" Femmuto looked at him delightfuly and asked in a sarcastic tone "Oh dear, whatever will you do?" His eyes turned bright red as he yelled "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL GIVE YOU A FREDDY KRUEGER GRADE COLONOSCOPY!" They all looked confused as Hokmuto asked "Who's Freddy Krueger?" Kiryu calmed down enough to answer "He's a horror movie charecter from a movie my creator used to watch all the time." Godzilla intervened in the conversation and asked "Where do you expect us to move them?" Mothra answered "Why not that old volcanoe that Rodan used to hibernate in, that could be a good spot, I hear its a ghost town now, totally evacuated."Kiryu put his hand up to his chin and said "That could work, when Rodan gets back from his patrol, I will have him and you carry the cage there." Suddenly the computers turned on and showed a map with multipe dots near Tokyo, Japan. Kiryu studied the map for a while before saying "Thats strange, I thought Japan was evacuated. No lifeforms should be able to survive there, let alone Kaiju." Godzilla also looked at the map, Puzzled. "Thats the most monsters Ive seen in one place since the Battle for Earth. What could be happening?" Kiryu looked at him with concerned eyes "I dont know, Godzilla, but whatever it is, I have a bad feelong about it."
Ghidorah slowly steps off the ships deck, followed by two others, one was Destoroyah, the other, who looked similar to Kiryu, was Mecha-Godzilla. They walked through the ruble of the old battlefield. They were cautious. Now that they knew what planet they were on, they had to be careful, as they didn't know if Godzilla and his allies where still alive. They walked to an old skyscraper that had collapsed, next to it, was a skeleton. "This is what the bio-scanner picked up." Destoroyah said with confusion. Ghidorah gritted his teeth. "How is that possible, hes dead." "Yes" Mecha-godzilla replied with a slick mechanical voice. "But long ago I modified it so that it could detect cybernetics as well as biomass." He bent down to pick up something that shined with a brilliant bright light on the ground. "I believe it was detecting this." He held it up. It was one of his old eyes. It beeped with a rapid pattern. "Although, this would not make sense without a power source to keep the power level up, as it would have run out of power long ago." Destoroyah checked a device on his wrist and replied "There is a lethal dosage of radiation in the area, altough it is lower then it was 6 years ago, it could have kept his cybernetics active. Ghidorah, I could resurrect him if we take his skeleton and cybernetics on to the ship." Ghidorah looked at the skeleton, one of his bravest warriors being brought back was music to his ears.
(A few hours later, Monster Island facility)
In the room, now all of the monsters stood, now accompanied by Zilla, Rodan, Ebirah, King Caeser and Angurius. They are all standing around a table with a map of South-east Asia. "Alright" Kiryu explains "This is where the anomaly happened" he pointed at a city in Tokyo. "In this city, Fusoka, multiple Kaiju sized creatures were detected, with one being robotic. We should Probobly go investigate, but we need a team. Any volunteers?" Ebirah stepped up "Ill go, and I would suggest that only Flyers and aquatic Kaiju go, as it would be faster and less detectable." Kiryu looked around the room "Alright so, that means, those who are eligible are Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and Ebirah. Angurius and King Caesar, you two stay here with me and help keep the prisoners in check." King Caesar dawned a look of disappointment "A simple task for a noble king, but acceptable." Anguirus took on a smug smile "What kingdom, Petsmart?" The god gave a growl and a angry look. Zilla also stepped up "Im going!" Godzilla quickly interjected "Zilla, no! You cant fly or swim very good, just stay here with the others!" Mothra put a hand on Godzilla's shoulder and said "Let the kid prove himself, it wont be that big of a deal anyway." Godzilla gave a disgruntled growl, but stifled it and replied "Fine, but if anything goes wrong im blaming you for this." Mothra gave a short laugh and sat back down. Kiryu crossed his arms and said "Alright, its settled. Ill keep in contact with you guys throughout the operation, Good luck."
(In the skyes over the East China Sea)
Mothra and Rodan fly to the destination with a quick speed, the rest of the group following close behind them underwater.
Mothra looks over at Rodan, who is checking a phone-like device. He says "We are definitely nearing Japan, radiation sensor is picking up more than UV rays, we're close" Mothra replied "You know what confuses me, what Kaiju could even survive in these conditions without these?" She gestured to her body, which was covered in a pink survival suit for radiation given to them by Kiryu. Rodan thinks to himself for a second, shes right, there are none that could. Suddenly, Kiryu's voice appears over the intercom "Alright flyteam, you are within 5 miles of Fusoka, aquateam, you are within 10, you ETA is within a minute. They both looked under them, they could see the city, or what was left of it. Then suddenly, Rodan realizes something. "Mothra, doesn't this seem a little familiar?" Mothra looks over at him "What do you mean?" Rodan looks back at the phone, radiation had quintopouled, he put it away and explained "Well, radiation has multiplied, a small army of Kaiju have been detected and they can survive in Japan. This is what happened when we first ran into....." His sentence was cut short by a fireball that hurled in between them. They both dodged out of the way, and looked to what the source was. At first, all they could see was a golden shinny light, but then out of the clouds, there was a figure, huge, with golden armour and wings, with dragons for fists. "Oh no" Kiryu could be heard saying over the intercom. Rodan flew left while Mothra flew right. "Mothra, retreat! We cant face him!" But as Rodan was flying, a hand appeared from the clouds and grabbed him by the throat, standing on a cushion of air, was Destoroyah who said with a evil tone "I dont think so" and forced him down to earth. Mothra saw this and tried to turn around as fast as she could, but was interrupted by another hand which grabbed her wing. This one belonged to Mecha-Godzilla, who also forced her down. Rodan and Mothra crashed down to the city, while the other 3 slowly descended comfortably. When they reached the ground, Ghidorah raised one of his fists, and said "I guess this is the end, good riddance" His fisted charged with an electric like fire, but before he could finish them, Destoroyah pushed it down and said "Ghidorah, look!" He pointed to the bay, where a number of fins parted the water. Mech-Godzilla stated "It is Godzilla and his allies, they have come to finish us." Ghidorah let out a frustrated roar, which nearly caused an earthquake before replying "Retreat to the ship, our new weapon will finish them." As they ran away, Mecha-Godzilla turned around and let out a barrage of missles which blocked their escape route in a wall of fire. Godzilla, Ebirah and Zilla finally made it to the shore, running with a passion to there Mothra and Rodan were. Godzilla asked frantically "Are you guys okay?!" Rodan was slow to answer, as he was recovering from Destoroyah's mighty grip "They left...through the flames" as he pointed to the wall that Mecha-Godzilla had destructively constructed. Godzilla started dolling out commands "Ebirah, you report back to monster island and tell them to get their asses her now! Zilla and I will..." He was cut short by a dark electronic voice calling out from the wall of flames "Finally....." the voice was followed by a series of slow heavy mechanical footsteps. Then, a red light showed through the flames. Finally, the source appeared, a tall Kaiju, even taller than Godzilla. He had a dark-blue Bio-mechanical suit on, with scythes for hands and spikes covering his body. He has a red dyed haircut that was shaved on one side, but drooped on the other. Godzilla and the others cautiously moved into a defensive formation. "Who are you?" Godzilla called out. "You don't remember me, do you? I expected the winged ones to remember my voice at least. Im disappointed" His visor lowered off his face, revealing two red eyes. Mothra recognized them from somewhere. "Let me jogg your memory." Suddenly a line down his chest and stomach opened, revealing sharped blades. "And make you remember!" The blades started spinning ferociously, making an agonizing sound that haunted the memorys of the monsters, as now they instantly recognized who it was. "Gigan!? How are you still alive?!" Rodan yelled out, now recovered. Gigan looked upon the monster with a dying hate. "Well you see, I wasnt...atleast in the state that you left me in, but thanks to Destoroyah, I can be whatever I want, and right now, I am your Judge, Jury......" The scythes on his arms split in half and rotated 180 degrees to form two double bladed chainsaws that began rotating at an alarming rate, which added to the suspense created by Gigans buzz saw "AND EXECUTIONER!!!!!!!!!" Gigan charged at the group. Zilla counter-charged at him. "ZILLA NO!" Everyone seemed to scream simultaneously. Zilla raised his hand, coated in sharp claws and slashed at Gigan, but started to bleed as Gigan was covered in spikes. Gigan commented "Not to smart, are you?" He followed this up by empaling him on his chainsaw, ripping flesh as he forced the saw though his body and slowly pulled it out. Zilla fell to the ground, leaking blood like a faucet. "NO!" Mothra shouted as she charged at him. Gigan countered by letting out a shotgun blast of lasers, knocking her to the ground as Gigan stomped on her chest and put his arm to her neck. He looked up with a devious smile "So Godzilla, I remember that you cared for this one very much" He rubbed the scythe blade against her cheek, earning a whimper from Mothra. "Should I gut this one like I did to the tuna-head as well?" Godzilla starred at him with a eternal hate. "What the hell, when do I care for your opinion?" he raised his arm, and pierced Mothra's chest with it, as she screamed in pain. He lifted her up and said "This is what happens when you destroy lives, others get taken." He began spinning his arm again, flinging Mothra to the side, not giving a care for her body...........

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