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Godzilla watched as Mothra was flung to the side, like a ragdoll, no care given to the treatment of her body. Godzilla tried to roar, but nothing came out. He just watched with his jaw unhinged as Mothra flew through the air, unaided by her wings, and crashed. He shifted his gaze to Gigan, who had a devilish smile, showing off his rows of sharp teeth. "You know..." He said with a deadly alure "She nearly saved me, but not in the terms of life and death, put she nearly put an end to my agonizing pain of radiation poisoning, but he......" He pointed at Rodan who was now standing, being fully recovered. "He stopped her, and turned me into this monster. Its his fault! His fau...." Godzilla cut him off by spraying him with his atomic breath, his eyes simultaneously shut, leaking tears, but Gigan did not fall back. He was not even fazed by the attack. He started moving towards Godzilla, staring him in the eye. "You think your attacks have an effect on me, I am a super soldier!" He raised his scythe and slashed Godzilla across the chest, wounding him, but only temporarily knocking him down. Ebirah ran at him, morphing his hands into pincers. He locked one of his pincers around Gigans neck, but Gigan chopped off his arm with his blade. He then kicked him back into the ocean. He then turned his attention to Rodan. "Revenge is a bitter sweet, isnt it?" He said as two cables launched from his chest attached to missles. One of them pierced his chest while the other went through his arm. Rodan cried in pain, as the cables drew him closer to Gigan. "Of course, you get to destroy whoever's making you vengeful." Gigan's buzzsaw began spinning. "But its just over so quickly! Although with this weapon right here..." He jestured to the saw on his chest, which was still spinning. "I can watch you die up close..." Rodan was now only a few feet from Gigan. "Goodbye Rodan....." Rodan was so close to the saw, he could feel the air around it moving to its force. But then, out of nowhere, a yellow beam of light hit Gigan, burning the cables and stunning him. Rodan looked for the source. It was Kiryu, his skin encrusted with rust, with King Caeser and Anguirus trailing close behind. "You bitch!!!!" Gigan said while rubbing his visor. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, where he saw Godzilla, with a blue flame in his eyes and a raised fist. The fist tore into Gigan's face, knocking him down. However, Gigan quickly recovered from this. "I've been scratched, but not defeated!" Gigan commented facing the group. "I'll be back!" He started to run as the sails on his back spread out and two thrusters ignited, propelling him away from the monsters and into the sky. Rodan attempted to chase after him, but fell to the ground as he was too wounded to fly. Kiryo ran over and lifted him on his shoulder. "We have to get to the island, Now!" Godzilla kneeled on the ground, his mind oblivious about what just happened. He snapped back to reality. "No...No,No,NO!" he yelled as he ran over to Mothra's body. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
(The shores of Monster island)
They had finally made it back. It had been a perilous journey back due to Anguirus, Kiryu and King Caesar having to carry wounded monsters through a environment they had little knowledge of. They carried them into the facility and into the hospital wing.
They were all put into separate rooms. Kiryu closed the hatches to the room as he needed privacy to work. Caesar and Anguirus collapsed from exhaustion. They could hear footsteps. It was Godzilla, his wound now healed. "You couldnt have helped us carry some of them back, jerk." Anguirus commented with a hand on his chest to steady his breathing. Godzilla walked up to him, looking down on him with the same blue eyes he had looked at Gigan with. He reached down and picked Anguirus by the throat and lifted him up to his face. "Godzilla, what are you doing!" Caesar asked frantically. Godzilla dropped him, with a tear falling to the ground, and walked to another room. "Asshole!" Anguirus yelled through a weezy voice. Caesar then asked "Hey, Anguirus?" Angurius looked up at him and replied "What do you want, lassy?" "Was that cell always empty?" He then pointed to the cell that once held Hokmuto and Femmuto. Anguirus's eyes widened "Oh shit"
(The throne room of Ghidorahs ship, hovering somewhere over the East China sea)
King Ghidorah sits on his throne, looking upon the ocean through a hologram as he did in a similar fashion before, looking out to space. The doors suddenly opened, which revealed Gigan, with a slightly cracked visor revealing his red eye. He walks in, taking his time to look at the decor. It had large golden crystals on the walls and floor, with huge ceilings and a large throne made out of a dragons skeleton. As he got close to Ghidorah, he kneeled before him, in a servant like manner. "My king..." He said with a pant "I failed you, most of them got away..." King Ghidorah took his eyes away from the hologram and looked upon the broken warrior. "Rise Gigan, you did not fail me. You killed two of them, something I myself failed to do so long ago, good work." Gigan rose from his kneeling position and bowed. The doors opened again, this time it was Mecha-Godzilla and Destoroyah, dragging two people behind them. "Ghidorah, these two were caught trying to sneak onto the ship." They tossed the two forward, they were the Mutos. "I have no care for this, execute them!" Mecha-Godzilla's arm turned into a missle launcher, which he put to Femmuto's head. "Wait!" Hokmuto spoke up "We have something you want!" Ghidorah gave a chuckle to this "What could you possibly have that I want?" Femmuto intervened "The location of Monster island" Ghidorahs face turned white, but then dawned a devious smile, "You have my attention."
(The inner-corridors of the ship)
A Kaiju walks through the hallways of the Conqueror with a proud smile, he had a green, insect like armour setup with a Dark Green cape and drills for hands. He struts along, when he notices another Kaiju, walking towards him in the opposite direction. It was Gigan, but he doesn't recognize him, due to his cybernetic makeover. He walks past him, but then turns around and realizes something, Gigan had a symbol on his right shoulder, it was a member of this species, crossing two blades together. He jumped as he realized who it was. "Gigan? Is that you?" He asked. Gigan turned around and looked at the Kaiju, his visor still cracked. "Its me, Megalon...Dont you remember me?"
Gigan looked him up and down. "Yes, as an annoyance." He then turned around and started walking away. "Thats it, no hi, no whats up. Come on man, we're best friends" Megalon pleaded as Gigan continued to walk away. Megalon could hear a slithering sound as vines appeared at his feet, Biollante walked up to him. "Who was that?" Megalon looked at her, she was his girlfriend and a beautiful one at that. Gigan had helped them get together, as Megalon and him were from allied tribes on his planet. "That was Gigan..." Biollante did a bit of a double take with her head and asked "What?! how?! I thought he was dead?" Megalon looked back at him walking away "Me to..."
(Surgery room)
Destoroyah stands over a white desk, checking over his tools. The door opens and Gigan walks in. "You summoned me, Master Destoroyah?" Destoroyah looks at him up and down, memorizing every scratch and crack in his armour. "Yes, Ghidorah said you had been lightly damaged, and I wanted to make some repairs. Please lay on the bed." He gestured to a silver slab in the middle of the room. Gigan complied, laying down back first. Destoroyah leaned over him, surveying his body one last time, before grabing one of his tools and went to work on his armour. "So..." Destoroyah said with a hint of curiosity "How are you liking your new upgrades?" Gigan took sometime to respond and said "They are wonferful, but it lacks something." Destoroyah paused his work to look Gigan in the eyes. "Whats wrong? Are they unsatisfactory?" Gigan thought for a moment "No, its just...I feel like my new look lacks the...meaning of the old one, of my original warrior culture...the reason I joined in the first place." Destoroyah lifted his hand to his chin and went into deep though. "If you want, I can give you your original colors back, wernt you green and gold?" Gigan quickly sat up, causing one of Destoroyahs tools to jab into his leg. "NO! THE OLD GIGAN IS DEAD, ALONG WITH MY PLANET, THANKS TO THAT WRETCHED LIZARD!" Gigan calmed down and looked down to see the saw sticking out if his leg. "Sorry about that..." Destoroyah, who had backed up a few feet due to the outburst, let out a nervous laugh and said "Dont worry, I wanted to test if your pain receptors were active anyway. I attempted to turn them off and I didnt know if I was succsessful." Gigan suddenly had a massive headache, which threw him back onto the table. "Are you okay?" Gigan covered his visor with his scythe, and growled. "Yeah, its just....that metal bitch hit my face with a laser and it hurt like hell." Destoroyah sighed "Well, guess I was semi-succsessful." Gigan recovered from the headache and layed back down and stared at the ceiling. Destoroyah then asked "If its okay with you, Im going to put you under since your pain receptors show minor activity. Is that alright?" Gigan leaned up again, were he saw the wound that the saw blade left, some blood, but mostly mangled wires and twisted metal. "Yeah....put me under..." Gigan layed back down, as his vision got darker, and darker, and darker...until he could not see anymore.
(Many years ago, on an unknown planet)
Two figures stand at a mountain crest, one has a green and gold suit, adorned with scales, hooks for hands and a mohawk. The other, wearing a bug like attire, similar to that of a beatle, with drills for hands. "Megalon?" One of them asks. "Yes?" The other looks at him. "What do we do now?" Megalon gained a confused expression on his face. "What do you mean, Gigan?" Gigan looks out over the valley, where a city sits, with walls taller than any Kaiju could imagine, and a Zigguraut in the center as the cherry on top. "Well...we are at peace now, and as far as we know, there are no other species on this planet as capable as our own. We have no-one to fight." Megalon also looks over the valley. Atop the Zigguraut stood two flags, one had 3 horizontal bands, the colors Green, Gold, and Red. In the center was a circle, one depicting a member of Gigan's race crossing two of their sword like arms. The other had 3 vertical bands, one orange, one black, and the other grey with a coat of arms in the middle, depicting one of Megalons race, with 2 drills mining a rock. This symbolized their tribes co-operation to peace, but meant a uncertain fate for Gigan and Megalon. "They'll kill us...." Gigan somberly said. Megalon again, adorned a confused expression "What the hell are you talking about?" Gigan fell to his knees "They have no more use for warriors, and our...condition is irreversible." He looked to his hands, which glistened in the afternoon sun. "Come, I want to show you something." Gigan said as he got up from his knees. He then ran into the forest. "Hey, wait up." Megalon said as he chased after him. He lost sight of him, but was then reoriented to his location by the sound of sawblades. He followed the sound and found Gigan, attempting to saw at a boulder, which blocked the entrance to a cave. "A little help here?" Gigan asked as he rubbed his now dull Sawblade. Megalon walked to the boulder, and punched his drill though it cracking it in an instant. They both walked in. It was pitch black, to the point where not even a nocturnal animal could have functioned in there. Megalon illuminated the cave with the horn on his head. The cave was covered in depictions of battles and wars between different Kaiju. They continued down the cave a little ways, until they reached a huge room, covered in skeletons. There was a huge pile of them in the middle of the room. At the top of the pile, there was a crucifix, with a dead Kaiju strapped to it. Gigan willingly climbed up the mountain, while Megalon was hesitant, but eventually caved.(See what I did there?). They reached the top, where they could easily see the corpse on the cross, which was neither Gigan or Megalon's races. "This is the mass grave sight of the last time two tribes met, the warrior class was discarded as they were no longer needed." Gigan explained. Megalon further examined the skeleton to see that in fact, it did have a warrior modification, but with a club instead of a hook or a drill. "I cant believe it, they have been lying to us." Megalon said as he started to climb down the mountain. Suddenly, they could hear yelling and could feel rumbling in the ground, as rocks started to fall around them. "Come on, lets go see whats happening!" Megalon said as he leaped into the wall, drilling a hole into it. Gigan followed. As the emerged from the hole, they noticed something different. Breathing became more difficult as the sky became darker. They rushed to the city. They reached the mountain crest again, but to their dismay, all they could see was a crater where their city would have been. "What...happened." Suddenly the ground started to shake again, as the mountain began to give in. "Its collapsing!" Megalon yelled. There was nothing they could do. They heard a crackling sound above them. "GIGAN WATCH OUT!" That's the last thing he heard before he blacked out. He woke up, but barely, laying belly first on the ground, the dirt caking around his saw blade. Two sets of feet came into frame. One with red shoes, the other with silver. "Another causality?" One asked. "No, this one is still breathing." The other stated as they kneeled down to examine Gigan. "Well bring him on the ship, the king will want to have a word with him." Gigan's vision began to fade as the figures began to move him. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, his visor now repaired, back on the operating table. Destoroyah was on the other side of the room, washing his 3 fingered hands in a sink. He looks at the table and says "Ah, your awake, good. Why dont you go to the training room, I hear the soldiers are have sparing contests." Gigan struggled to sit up, as his body stuggled to recover from the anesthetic. "You called him King?" He randomly said. Destoroyah looked back at Gigan, confused as he asked "What was that?" Gigan removed his visor to look him in the eyes and said "When you put me under, I had a dream. I was back on my planet, with the beatle. When you recovered me, you said King, but now you call him just Ghidorah, why?" Destoroyah walked towards him, putting one of his hands on his shoulder. "Well, its complicated. I used to be a subordinate, but now, I am his friend. Also, as much as he denies it, I am leagues stonger than him." Gigan looked at him, even more confused and asked "Really? How did you guys figure that out?" Destoroyah put a hand to his chin as he began to laugh "Well, before having a one-sided sparing record with him, I am the one who led to the death of the original King, Gojira. Something he failed to do many times. Now go, spar with your old friends." Destoroyah walked through the door and Gigan was left in the room, to contemplate what he just heard.
(Training room)
In a large room, two figures stood. One wore a long green dress and was surrounded by vines. It was Biollante. The other wore a long black hood, and was surrounded by swirling black clouds. A voice came over the intercome. It was Mecha-Godzilla. "Alright, you know the rules. Round 1: Biollante vs Hedorah! Fight." Hedorah removed his hood, showing Orange eyes and slick black hair with a disease mask. He said "You first" Biollante replied "Gladly" Suddenly, multiple vines sprouted from the floor around Hedorah, towering over him. They started to wrap around him, although he gave little effort to stop them. They began to squeeze and constrict him, but then they suddenly stopped. Biollante watched in awe as her vines turned a dark black, fell off Hedorah, and began to decompose. She grunted as she summoned more vines, which grasped her body to turn into armour. Hedorah smirked and said "My turn" he ran at Biollante, revving up his fist. When his first made contact with a vine, a large thorn appeared and impaled his hand. Hedorah yelled in pain as he retreated back. "Thats it!" He yelled. He held up his hands, summoning a huge cloud of pollution. He then thrust his fist at Biollante sending a toxic wave at her, destroying her vines and knocking her to the ground. Mecha-Godzilla came over the intercom. "Hedorah is victorious." Suddenly, a door opens and out walks Mecha-Godzilla, followed by Megalon, the Mutos, Battra, and Orga. "Good work, Hedorah. Another victory" Biollante, still lying on the floor, muttered to her self "Show off." Megalon rushed over to help her. The door opens again, this time, Gigan walks in. Mecha-Godzilla turns to him "Ah, Gigan, good to see your repairs where succsessful. Care to join us?" Gigan walked over, his height towering over the other monsters. "Couldn't hurt." He said, smirking with a devilish smile. Mecha-Godzilla looked back at the group, his optics zooming in the best possible option for a match up. "Alright, lets go Gigan vs Battra, Orga, and Femmuto." Battra stepped up "Sir, how is that possibly fair?" Mecha-Godzilla put a hand to his chin, analyzing the situation in his head. "Your right, Hokmuto, you join them as well" Everyones jaw dropped as he said this. 4 on 1, Gigan would be obliterated, or so they thought. "Good luck, and may the best Kaiju win." The rest of them left as the battle was about to begin. Gigan looked all of them down. This would be easy. Mecha-Godzilla appeared over the intercom again "Round 1, Gigan vs Mutos, Orga, and Battra. Fight!" Battra flew in the air, and began shooting a beam of electricity at Gigan, who blocked it with his scythes. Orga flanked to left, and began peppering Gigan with shots from a shoulder mounted cannon. Gigan shot a beam of red light from his visor, hitting the cannon and causing it to explode, knocking Orga out of the fight. He also did this to Battra, blinding him and causing him to fall to the ground. He then remembered the Mutos, who where no-where in sight. He looked up, he saw the shadow of what seemed to be a spider. It was Femmuto, being held up by Hokmuto. He dropped her. She landed on Gigan knocking him to the ground. She began beating him to a pulp with her fists, altough they had little effect. His visor lit up, releasing a barrage of light into Femmuto's face, sending her back and off of Gigan. Gigan got up and stared her down. She let out an EMP, which hit Gigan and sent him to his knees. Femmuto rushed him, knocking him to the ground while she landed on top of him. She then yelled "Victory is ours!" Little did she know, Gigan was not effected by the EMP, as he was resistant. Gigans visor lit up with a dark red. His hand shot up and grabbed her by the head and pulled her down. Their faces we're nearly touching as he said "Not yet!" She feel a rumbling through his body. Suddenly, she felt a deep pain, Gigans saw-blade activated and began disemboweling her. He tossed her aside, large scars and open wounds cover her body. "NO!" Hokmuto yelled as he dived at Gigan. Gigan fired two sharp discs at him, severing his wings and forcing him down. Gigan stood victorious around his beaten and battered enemies. The door opened again, this time a group of Kaiju in white clothing and stretchers to take the losers to the medical wing. They were followed by Mecha-Godzilla, whos eyes were bright red. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Gigan looked at him in confusion. "I won.." Mecha-Godzilla rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Yes..You did, but you also chronically injured 3 of them and nearly killed Femmuto! You know what, talk to me later, I still have more match-ups to run." Biollante and Hedorah walked by, muttering and whispering to them selves as they walked by. Megalon followed close behind, but stopped as he reached Gigan. "What the hell was that?!" He asked. "Im sorry, I thought that I was supposed to fight." Megalon revved up his drill. "Yeah, fight! Not slaughter!" His drills ceased. He got close to Gigan, focusing in on his visor. "I dont know what happened to you down on that planet, but your not the monster I grew up with." He began to walk away. Gigan looked down at his body, covered in Femmuto's blood. What had he become. He saw the discs a ways away. He walked over, and they flew back into his chest. He was a killer, and he knew it. But what could he do, he was so good at it.....
(PS: Sorry this took so long to publish)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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