Chapter 26

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I was sitting on my floor with my back resting on the couch. Liam was in front of me, sitting on one of my colorful bean bags.

I kept making fun of how funny he looked sitting there. I laughed even harder when Liam started acting girly. He was doing it to amuse me, and I really appreciated that.

"I know why I'm really here," Liam said, his voice turning serious.

"And why are you really here?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"You want me to be your late booty call, a little action on the side. Maybe Layton can't handle you," he said, smirking at me.

I laughed out loud at his words to the point where a few tears slid down my cheeks.

"No need to cry for me, baby. I'm here and I'm all yours," he said, stretching out his arms widely.

I laughed even harder when he said that.

"Uh huh, that's why you're here," I said in between laughs.

"You know you just missed me," Liam teased.

"Yes, I missed you too much," I said, in an overly dramatic voice.

Liam chuckled at my words, and made a heart with both of his hands.

"All the girls want a piece of Liam," he said.

"I'm sure they do," I muttered, sarcastically.

"Oh I know they do," he said, nodding his head suggestively.

"You are so bad," I said, while throwing a pillow at him.

He easily caught it, and threw it back at me.

I wasn't too surprised when Liam suddenly sobered up and his featured hardened. I sensed the interrogation coming, although I was slightly dreading it.

"I've been here for over an hour and you haven't told me what happened," Liam said, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry that I called you. I just, I didn't know who else to call," I admitted, lowering my head.

"I don't mind that you called. I'm just worried why you did."

"It's easy to make fun of you and I needed entertainment," I shrugged, playfully.

"So I'm entertainment?"

"Yup, I needed something to laugh at and them bam, you popped into my head," I replied, grinning.

"Ha ha, and ha. Aren't you a funny one," Liam said, fake scowling me.

"I know right?" I replied, ignoring his sarcasm.

"Going past how 'funny' you are," he said, putting air quotes on the word funny, "why are you ignoring my question?" Liam asked, giving me an expectant look.

"You haven't asked a question."

I gave him a soft smile, and Liam just chuckled.

"Fine, what happened between you and Layton? It must've been drastic if you decided to call me."

"You know, when you were all mean and evil, you reminded me of a lot of Layton, except he was a bit nicer," I told Liam.

"What about now?"

"Now you remind me of Zev, only he's ten times more awesome," I said, a grin playing on my face.

"Yeah yeah, Zeverus is great," Liam said in a sarcastic tone, moving his hand in a shooing motion.

"Now that you had fun comparing me to guys who I'm obviously better than- tell me what happened," Liam said, his serious expression returning.

I took a few moments to settle my thoughts, which were jumbled up even to me.

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