Chapter 8

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"Do you wanna watch another one?" Layton asked me after the movie was over.

He was stretching his arms over his head. It was the first time he let go of me since we started watching the movie.

"Don't you have to leave?"

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked defensively.

"No, I'm asking if you have to leave," I answered, making my way to the kitchen.

I wasn't really hungry, but I wanted to munch on something.

"It sounds like you want me to leave," Layton mumbled.

He took a seat in front of me, in the booth we have in the kitchen area.

"I don't."

"Is he coming, is that it?" He looked serious and I wanted to laugh at him, but it would have probably annoyed him.

"Yes Layton, that's the reason I asked you to watch a movie with me, just to bring Zev over later," I sarcastically replied.

"Did you?" He asked, his temper quickly rising.

I was tempted to slap him. Getting things through his thick skull was impossible.

"I didn't ask Zev to come over. Now you're making me feel like I should have. Zev wouldn't be acting like a jerk."

"Of course he wouldn't," he said. "He would behave like your lap dog, doing everything you say. It's his plan to get on my nerves."

"Since it's all about you..."

I didn't understand why he thought everything Zev did was just to piss him off.

"Cassidy, that's not what I mean."

"What exactly do you mean, because I have been trying to figure it out?"

"Have you wondered why Zeverus is a dickhead with everyone but you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about him getting cozy with you every chance he gets."

"You only say that because you're jealous. Of what, I'm not sure."

"I'm not jealous," he said defensively.

"Why do you even get so possessive?"

That shut him up.

He was quiet, opening and closing his mouth. The face he was making, trying to come up with an answer, was priceless.

"I, well, I, I know how Zeverus is."

I had to laugh at how much he stuttered when he spoke. At least all of his jealousy was humoring me.

"So? What do you care how he is? You said it yourself; he's mean with everyone but me."

"He's only your friend because he's trying to get to me!" Layton yelled.

"Why would it bother you that Zev and I are friends?" I asked, leaning toward his body and pinning him with my best intimidating stare.

"That doesn't matter. You're missing the point," he said, crossing his arms, trying to act nonchalant.

"What's the point?" I questioned, not stopping my 'intimidating' look.

"You have to stay away from him."


"Zeverus is just using you."


"He's trying to get to me."


"Zeverus knows something and he's using it against me."

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