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 It's a beautiful sunny morning in Toronto, so you decide to take your dog out for a walk in the crisp spring air. The snow is starting to melt, you've finally put your boots away, all in all, it's a good morning. You're turning the corner of a street, and out of nowhere, you feel something hit you.

You open your eyes after the shock to realize you're staring at a chest. Some really tall guy just walked straight into you. Or you walked straight into him. Either way, you both exclaim, in great Canadian fashion:

"Oh I'm so sorry!"

You take a look at his spilled coffee and instantly feel awful.

"Oh no, did I? I'm so sor-"

You cut yourself off. As you looked up, you recognized him. You knew moving to Toronto would mean living in the same city as Shawn Mendes, but you knew your chances of meeting him were still slim. And the chances of meeting him like this? Almost impossible.

He must've seen on your face that you knew him, because he flashes you his beautiful smile.

"No worries, it's alright. I need to cut back on caffeine anyway," he jokes to make you feel better.

"Are you sure? I'm so sorry, oh my god, I knocked over Shawn Mendes's coffee," you continue, more for yourself than for him.

He chuckles at the mention of his full name, and bends down to pick up something off the ground.

"Here's your... Wait," he stops himself.

He holds in his hand your shattered phone.

"Was it like this before or did I do that?" he asks hurriedly, his eyes wide open.

"Uhm," you start, not wanting to make him feel bad, but also a bit upset that your phone screen is now broken into pieces.

"Oh no, I did that! I'm so sorry! Please let me replace it," Shawn says, understanding your silence.

"Oh please! I can't possibly ask you that! And after I spilled your coffee, I-"

"Coffee? Darling, I shattered your phone! It's nothing, please. Were you in a hurry?" he says, looking down at my dog.

"Uhm, not really, Mr. Sniffles and I were just out on a walk."

He crouches down to let your dog smell his hand, and he starts scratching his ears and petting him.

"Well hello Mr. Sniffles!" he says in an adorable baby voice, "will you take a detour with your mum to the electronics store to get her a new phone? Would you be happy to walk even more? Oh yes! Oh I knew you would!"

Shawn looks up at you from his crouched position, and flashes you a smile. Damn, he knows how to play the cute card.

"You're not gonna let me say no, are you?" you ask him, half a smile on your face.

"I am not!" he says as he stands back up.

"Fine," you agree. "Mr. Sniffles seems to like you, and I trust him."

You both walk towards the store, at first in a bit of an awkward silence, but you easily lighten the mood with your quick wit.

"So, clumsy as you are, I bet it's not the first girl's phone you have to replace!" you tease him.

"Oh okay!" he says as if he just got something. "I was wondering if you were a fan, if you were freaking out or shy... I guess I have my answer!" Shawn laughs.

"And what is it?"

"Well, I'm guessing you're a fan, since you know I'm clumsy. But definitely not shy, or too star-struck, to be making jokes like that!"

He's laughing. Good to know he can take a joke! You smile as well and look in front of you as you keep walking. He breaks the silence:

"But to answer your question, this would be the first phone I replace for such a beautiful girl."

You can feel your cheeks get warmer, and hope you're not blushing too much. You give him a side glance and immediately try to brush it off:

"Oh I bet you think you're so smooth!"

"What! It's true," Shawn says, "I've never seen such beautiful blue eyes."

"Oh. Well thank you," you finally accept the compliment. "It's quite common back home, so I don't really notice it."

"I thought I noticed a slight accent, but I couldn't place it. Where are you from?"

"I'm from the Netherlands! I moved here to study just a few months ago."

"Wow, I really have to thank my lucky stars I met you, then." He smiles. "We're here!"

You both walk into the electronics store, and head for the phones department. Shawn tells you you can pick any one you want, but you don't want to push it, so you just grab the same model you had before.

"Oh come on- Wait, I didn't even get your name. How rude of me," he says, that same worried look from earlier on his face.

"Oh yeah, rude is how I would describe the guy buying me a new phone!" You laugh to reassure him. "I'm Eke."

"Eke, that's a beautiful name. Dutch?"

"Well, it's still quite a rare Dutch name, but yes."

"Beautiful. Like its owner."

There's a slight pause. You sense he turned on the charm.

"Anyway, Eke, come on! You can pick anything. It's the free upgrade everyone wishes for!"

"Shawn, I couldn't possibly-"

"What is it, an iPhone? If it's an iPhone you want, great. Let's just get the latest model, though."

You try to contest, but he's already walking towards a representative, and you're trying to hide the fact that you brought your dog in the store, so you can't very well run after him.

You wait outside, and Shawn comes out a few minutes later.

"There you go! The guy switched your SIM card, all you have to do is sync your iCloud, and all your photos will be back," he says as he hands you the phone.

You unlock it to see Shawn already took the liberty of adding a selfie of his as the background. You chuckle a bit, and as you lift your head to look at him, he takes the phone from you again.

"Wait, I forgot, there's something wrong with the new iPhones, I don't want you to have to deal with this..."

You look at him, puzzled. He's tapping away on the screen, and after a minute, he gives it back.

"There you go! You wouldn't've been able to text me, the phone didn't have my number saved in it, but I fixed that for you," he says with a wink.

"Oh good! I mean, I hate getting a new phone and then not even being able to send a thank you text to the person who bought it for me!"

"Oh, you get a lot of strangers to buy you new phones, eh?" he jokes back.

"None as handsome as you," you say, looking straight into his eyes.

You hope he recognizes his own line from earlier. He smiles.

"How about a thank you dinner, then? Are you free tomorrow night?"

"I'll text you!" you say, waving your new phone.

You turn around and let him watch you walk away. You hope he'll flinch all day at any text he receives. You're such a tease. And he loves it.

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