KEIRA - Mature Content

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You love going for a run in the morning. It's out of the way for the rest of the day, and you feel so energized afterwards to get everything done. You're at the foot of your apartment building, panting as you walk up the few steps to the door. After 5 km, you don't feel like taking the stairs for 6 floors, so you get in the elevator, hoping no one's gonna be in there with you as you stink up the place. You ride it solo until your floor and open your door.

"Hey! I'm back! Are you up?" you yell out for your roommate to hear.

You run into him and a girl you don't know in the hall. He walks her out, kiss on the cheek, wishing her a good day. Once you hear the door close, you shout out:

"Well, someone had a good night!"

"Not even," he replies, disappointed. "She just wanted to cuddle. We barely made out."

"Aw, you poor thing!" you reply sarcastically.

You and Shawn have always bantered like that, ever since you were kids. That's probably why you were always such good friends. So, it made sense you moved in together in the city after high school.

"I'm gonna get in the shower, do you need the bathroom before I go?" you ask him.

"No, I'm good. And ugh," he sniffs, "you need it!"

You mock laugh in his direction before walking towards the bathroom, already taking off your shirt.

'Fuck, when did Keira get this hot? Has she always been this hot?' Shawn thinks to himself. 'What am I on about, it's Keira! I can't- No, I shouldn't go there.'

He sits on the couch and starts watching TV. He can hear the shower start, and his mind goes back to you. In that sports bra. He gets up and knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" you shout over the sound of the water.

"Can I come in?" Shawn asks.

"Uhm, sure. You need something?" you say as the door opens.

"Yeah. You," you hear Shawn say seriously.

"What?" you laugh it off. "What do you need me to do?"

"No, Keira. I need you. Now."

"Literally, what are you on about, Shawn?"

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you've never thought about it," he teases you.

You get a bit flustered, because you have to admit that you have been looking at him grow up and get hotter by the minute. But he's still your friend. Your roommate.

"That's not the point! I-"

"So you have!" Shawn exclaims. "Fuck, that chick gave me blue balls all night, and I know you haven't had any since you broke up with Alex. Let's just do this."

You both stand there in the tension-filled air of the bathroom, only a small curtain separating you two. After 30 seconds, you can hear Shawn say, under his breath:

"Fine, nevermi-"

He never finishes his sentence, because he feels a wet hand on his back, pinching his shirt.

"Take it off," you tell him.

"Fuck yes!" he says, not even trying to hide his excitement.

He takes off his clothes just as fast and jumps in the shower with you. You move down towards the water, and look at him. You're standing a few feet apart, so you can take him all in. And he does the same.

"Damn," you both say simultaneously.

You laugh, and he whispers something about finally knowing what hides under all these hoodies. You can see he's already hard, and you smirk as he takes a step forward and grabs the back of your head.

He plants a firm kiss on you, and even though you knew this was happening, you're still a bit surprised. You kiss him back, placing your hands on his hips. He walks you towards the wall, and now that you're out of the water, you feel so cold, but Shawn's hands are now trailing down your body, and you don't know what's causing the goosebumps anymore.

You turn around so your back is to him, and you bend down sensually to pick up your shower gel. You can feel Shawn's stare on your ass and he lets out an audible breath. You smirk as you put a bit of soap on your loofah, and you hand it to Shawn. He happily takes it, and starts lathering you up. Not missing an inch. He starts at your neck, spends a good amount of time on your chest, then down the curves of your hips and your stomach. He turns you around so he can lather your back and shoulders, to then make his way down to your ass and legs. The hand not holding the loofah also feels around, and you close your eyes to enjoy it even more. You haven't been touched like that in so long. You step under the water to rinse off the lather, and Shawn, who was crouching, stands up slowly, kissing up your spine. You can feel his hard cock against your lower back. He puts down the loofah, and forces you to step forward so he's under the water now. He moves his hand from your hips to your stomach, and reaches down. He's still looking over your shoulder, trying to see the expression on your face. Your eyes are closed, and your mouth gapes open a bit. You can't see him, but he smirks proudly.

He starts touching you, feeling how ready for him you already are. You feel him grinding on you as he moves in and out with his fingers. You look down, and realize this is the first time you see his swallow tattoo at that angle. You laugh to yourself, but it turns into a moan as Shawn curls his fingers the right way and hits that sweet spot.

You can hear him laugh in pride, so you reach behind your back and grab his dick. You know you just wiped the smile from his face. You start stroking it, taking a few steps back so you're under the water now — it's your turn! You both keep pleasing each other like that for a while until all you can hear is the water running and the two of you panting and moaning.

You realize Shawn is trembling like a leaf out of the hot water, so you turn it off.

"Let's go, let's move this out of here," you tell him so he gets out.

He pulls you close to him and kisses you again, your two naked bodies colliding, before stepping over the bath and grabbing his towel to dry off quickly. You do the same and Shawn can't wait, he picks you up, one arm on your back and the other under your knees, and carries you to the couch. He drops you on it, and straddles you immediately. He looks you in the eyes before kissing you aggressively, and he bites your bottom lip.

"How did we wait so long before doing this!" he whispers.

"Let's not waste another minute," you tell him, reaching down and guiding him inside you.

He starts thrusting back and forth, and you feel something different spread through your entire body. Maybe it's the sexual tension that had been building up for years that's finally being released, maybe it's the endorphins from your run, but something feels amazing.

You bring your legs up and cross them around Shawn's back to push him further inside you. You can see Shawn enjoys hearing how good he's making you feel, so you don't hold back any noise.

After a while, you can feel him going faster, and just as you reach your own orgasm, he pulls out and lies down next to you to shoot his load on his stomach.

"Fuck," he says towards the ceiling. "We'll be doing that again."


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