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*Pow* You hear the confetti cannons go off for the third night, but somehow, they sound different. Probably because it's the last time they'll go off for a while. It's the last show of the European leg, and you're watching Shawn on stage give it all he's got. He hands his guitar over and runs to the crowd. You watch from afar as the girls scream and extend their arms to touch him, and you smile as you see Shawn get all the love and good energy he could ever ask for, and a little more on top of that! This goes on for a while, and you know he knows it's the last time in a while, so he soaks it up as much as he can.

Before the house lights came back up, you snuck back to the dressing room to wait for Shawn. You see everything is ready for the little end-of-tour celebration, and everyone starts trickling in. Shawn walks in to a crowd of people shouting and congratulating him. You can see his stare moving across the room, and his smile when your eyes meet. He walks towards you to wrap you in his arms and kiss you, then takes a lap around the room to hug and high five everyone else.

You don't see Shawn again for a while, wrapped up in your own conversation with Josiah, and since he hasn't come to meet you either, you scan the room for him. He's nowhere to be found, so you text him:

"Hey babe, where are you?"

"I went to see the arena one last time."

You excuse yourself from the party and walk towards the arena. You get there, and you see the crew taking down the two stages, and the screen, and the rose... And you see Shawn, sitting alone in one of the seats. You walk up to him.

"Hi there," you say softly as you sit down.

"Hi," he replies, still staring out in front of him.

He puts his hand on your thigh and runs his thumb back and forth in sign of affection, but his eyes stay fixed in front of him. You look out as well, and take it all in.

It looks so different now that the stage isn't there, or the lights, or the imposing moon and rose. But it still looks so impressive. To imagine, just a few hours ago, this was filled with people wanting to hear him sing. You can't even begin to imagine what it must've felt like.

"You must be so proud of yourself, Shawn," you break the comfortable silence.

"I- I have to admit I am," he replies honestly.

"I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you are on that stage."

"Really? Not even when I'm with you?" he asks, teasing.

You smile, and think on it a little.

"In a different way," you concede. "The energy you get from an arena full of people seems to light something in you, and I can see it's what you're truly meant to do."

Shawn looks at you with a bit of surprise in his eyes. Like he wasn't expecting you to understand him so well. He smiles.

"I can't wait to see you on a stage like that, babe," he says.

Now it's your turn to be surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we're going back home. Back to the studio. And you know I love your voice. I want you to help me with some songs, and I already have an idea for a track I want us both on."

You know he always knew you liked singing, but you never wanted him to feel like you were using him to make your dream come true, so you never mentioned anything about your aspiring music career to him. But now, at the end of the European leg of his world tour, still sitting in the O2, your boyfriend offered to record a song with you. You're speechless. You turn to face forward as the guys are taking down the last pieces of equipment. You take it all in.

Still not knowing what to reply to that, you bring the conversation back to him.

"Well, you did it, babe," you say, still looking out onto the immense but empty arena.

"Yeah, we did it," he answers, glancing at you sideways.

You turn your head to look at him, incomprehension in your eyes.

"You don't think I could've done it without you, Carmen, do you?" he says, before lifting two fingers up to your chin and guiding you into a kiss.

You close your eyes, and the light peck turns into a slow kiss, which in turns becomes a deep, passionate kiss.

You feel a smile creep up on Shawn's lips as he's kissing you, and you know what that means. You smile back as he reaches over the arm rest to put his hand on your side. You feel him tug at your shirt, but he knows he can't take it off here. His hand fumbles around, shortly touching your skin, but coming back up over your clothes. You hear the clicking of the crew still moving equipment pieces behind you, but it's fading. All you can focus on is Shawn's hand that made its way under your shirt, on your back. His warm fingers trailing on your spine, spreading goose bumps as they move up.

After a few minutes of making out and awkwardly trying to touch each other from two different arena seats, you get up and sit on Shawn's lap, facing him. You keep kissing him, sometimes pulling away so you can open your eyes and see the look on his face when he can't feel you all of a sudden. He moves his head forward as if to catch you again, but can't, so he opens his eyes. The smile on your face spreads to his as he pulls you back to him. His hands move from the small of your back to your jeans' back pockets.

All the while you run your hands in his hair, on his neck, on his muscular shoulders... You can feel him shift a little in his seat, and you bring your hands to his chest with the sole purpose of reaching down. You tease him a bit, pull his bottom lip in between your teeth. You move forward to kiss him again, and as you do, you cup your hand over his crotch. You feel his hips flinch at your touch and his mouth gape open into your kiss. You smile, proud of yourself, and start rocking your hips back and forth. Shawn takes his hands out of your back pockets and moves them under your thighs to bring you closer, wanting to feel you grind on him, but your knees hit the backrest of the arena seat. Both realizing how this is not the best place for this to continue, you pull back and laugh as you look each other in the eyes.

You sit back down on the seat next to Shawn, and you share a loving kiss.

"There you both are!" you hear echo through the now completely empty arena.

You look over and see Brian and Alessia walk towards you.

"We've been looking all over for you! Why can't either of you pick up a phone?" Brian asks.

You and Shawn look at each other and share an embarrassed smile. Shawn looks over at Brian.

"Uhm, we were otherwise occupied."

Of course, everyone got what he was trying to hide, and laughter fills the O2.


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