The Day My Prius Saved My Life

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     It was a gloomy day from the second I woke up and I'm not speaking of just the sky

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It was a gloomy day from the second I woke up and I'm not speaking of just the sky. The night before, on mine and Tyler's two year anniversary, he broke up with me. After breaking up with me in the middle of the restaurant, he showed me a picture of the girl he was fucking around with, then proceeded to walk out of the restaurant, leaving me with the nearly one hundred dollar tab.
When I woke up the following morning, all of his clothing was gone and mine was all over the floor in the bedroom that Tyler and I fucked in so many times, but all I can think of is, how many times has he fucked that girl in our bed?
I don't have time to think of that and I don't particularly want to anyways. I have a busy day ahead of me. I'm heading down to Jacksonville for the weekend, to spend time with my sister.
I decide to leave the mess, that I later found out was scattered throughout the apartment, alone. I grab my packed suitcase, which seems to be the only untouched object in the apartment. I even go as far as to leave a note for Tyler and his preppy looking mistress. What it says doesn't matter, but god is it funny.
The doorman wishes me a good day as I walk through the open door into the even gloomier outside. The sky is covered in clouds which are a mix between dark and light grey. "It's for sure going to rain, that's great," I mumble to myself. I reach into my tight jean pockets and take out my keys and tap the unlock button and with that, my white Toyota Prius makes a beep sound followed by my headlights flickering on. Once I get to my car, I pop the trunk open and put my suitcases in it and then close it.
I lower myself to get into my car and plop down on to my zebra padded seat. I don't hesitate to stay around and immediately leave. I zip trough the small parking lot and out into the emptiness of my small town streets. Fortunately for me, the town is so small that there's only three traffic lights, all of which have no affect on me.
     In mere seconds I am out of the town. The small town centre that I can still make out in my rear view window starts to shrink as I drive down the long stretch of road, making my way to the highway.
      Trees whizz past me, along with the swaying crops in the road-bordering fields. Two cars also zip by me, both going at outrageous speeds.
       And then, just like that, it starts to rain. I hate rain. It reminds me of sadness, pain and misery and all of which is what I felt that morning. I would much rather have blue skies and with a beaming sun, but according to the news forecast, that'll come tomorrow and tomorrow I'll be in Jacksonville, soaking up that sun and forgetting Tyler. Maybe, just maybe, I'll move to Jacksonville and leave Tyler in the past and never see hm again.
     I redirect my focus off of Tyler and put my focus on the driving, as the rain keeps pounding on the windshield and sunroof. It seems as if the rain gets heavier and heavier, and within minutes it becomes so bad that I can't see mire than ten feet in front of me. I realize the danger that continuing to drive poses so I start to slow down. I know that the highway in approaching and that I can park under the overpass until the rain slows down or stops.
     I push the hazards buttons in order for any potential cars coming up behind me, can see me a little easier.
     The rain doesn't stop and the visibility doesn't get any better. And suddenly, a car appears right in front, I panic and immediately jerk my car off to the right. I scream as I feel my car leave the road and zoom out into what must be a field. After several seconds, once my panic stops, I manage to slam on the brakes and my car comes to a halt.
I'm breathing heavily and on the verge of crying. I look down at my hands and they're gripping the wheel so tight that my knuckles and both my hands have become a ghostly white colour. It takes a few seconds before I'm able to calm down.
I want to get out and check my car, but the rain continues to come down, but out of the blue, like this day couldn't get any more worst; the rain becomes hail. Golf sized hail. Within seconds the windshield starts to cave in. My back window then makes a shattering sound and by looking through the mirror, I see that it is indeed shattered.
The sound of the hail and the rain had completely out beat the sound of the radio that when I hear a loud beep come from it, I jump. And once again, it's even worse news. "A tornado warning has been issued for Gwinnett County, Georgia," a masculine voice yells through the radio. I just let it all out. I start crying. I think about my family and unfortunately, I think about Tyler. I reach for my phone and pull it out of my purse. I immediately start texting my sister, but that's when my front windshield gives in and shatters. Glass fall all across the dash board and on to the floor of the car.
Several pieces of glass fall down into my legs and I let out a painful cry. Several branches then whip across the front of my car and I start to panic even more. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get on to the floor of my car.
Within seconds I can feel my car start to Nshake. "I love you," I shout into the audio recording message that I then send to my sister.
I close my eyes and put my arms over my head.
    The wind howls outside and the rain continues to pound down on my car. I feel wind rush through my car. I feel my car start to move. "Oh god, please," I scream, begging for my life.
     I feel my car get picked up from off the ground and then as if a giant picked up my car and threw it, my car is thrown, it flips once before hitting the ground where it continues to flip multiples times. I managed to hold on to everything that is under my seat and keep my feet under the dashboard.
    I don't think I screamed the whole time my car was flipping, but as soon as my car stops moving, I start to scream and cry. Minutes seem to go and in which, the wind has stopped as well as the rain and hail, but, I continue to cry.
    It takes an extra several more minutes for me to build up strength to try get out of my now caving in car. I try pushing the drivers door along with the passenger door open, but to no prevail. When I go to stand to however high I can is when I realize I'm converted in new cuts and bruises and I have new pieces of glass injected into me, but I didn't even feel it happen.
    I ignore the cuts for a second, so I can focus on getting out of my sunken in car. As I look into the back of my car, I notice that the back passenger door had been ripped off and that appears to be the only easy enough escape route.
    "Hello! Is anyone in there? Can you hear me," I hear a masculine voice shout from outside of my car. "Help me," I shout back.
"Do you have any where you can get out of," he asks. Before I respond, I try to squeeze into the back seats, but the roof caved into far. "Yes, but I don't know if I can now," I respond.
    There's no talking from the man for what feels like an eternity, but was more realistically, maybe two minutes. "Is that you in the front there on the floor, I can't really tell," he asks. "Yes," I answer. Without saying another word, I hear him tanking on the passenger door and then bam, it starts ripping and then it just rips off completely and I hear and see it fall to the ground and make a clunking sound. "Come out here," the man yells. I start crawling over the door and then stand up and soon as I get outside.
    I take a breath of fresh air and let out a sigh of relief. I push myself so that I lean up against the car and sit there for a minute, just breathing.
    When I snap back to reality, I look around for the man, but he's gone. But when I do a more throughout look around, all I see it destruction. I push myself up and take a step back to look at my car. "How did I survive," I ask myself. All the windows are smashed, mostly every inch of my car has been pushed and caved in. "My Prius saved my life," I mumble.
     All around me there is fallen trees, destroyed crops. I see several people standing near cars on the roadway. I look to my left to see part of the highway had crumbled to the ground.

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