The Waiter's Message

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   Aubrey, James and Fischer walk into the downtown Toronto restaurant, Burnt Food, during the afternoon rush, but surprisingly, it's emptier than usual

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Aubrey, James and Fischer walk into the downtown Toronto restaurant, Burnt Food, during the afternoon rush, but surprisingly, it's emptier than usual. Fortunately, the three coworkers and friends were able to have their regular table located at the back corner, next the window.
As they chit chat about work and their new coworkers, Francisco, the waiter, and a friend
of the three, walks over them and sits in the fourth chair. "What's going on," Francisco ponders. "Nothing much, how about you," Fischer says in response. "Well, it's pretty empty right now. Not sure why, but at least I can sit here and talk with you guys," Francisco responds, giggling.
"Well, do you guys want the usual," he asks. "Yea, that'll be great," Aubrey says. Francisco nods his head and gets up and heads over to the kitchen. "If he weren't gay, I'd smash," Aubrey states follow by an immediate burst of laughter. "Too bad he doesn't want to date me," whines James, "I mean, like, come on, his ass is literally hot." Fischer and Aubrey give James a face that expresses James's cringiness. "What," James exclaims. "You don't call an ass hot," Aubrey shouts in response. James rolls his eyes.
They stay silent, but occasionally giggle as we wait for James to come back with our food.
And within a few minutes, James comes strutting out of the kitchen with a tray of food. "Yes! Bring it," Aubrey yells from across the restaurant, which causes her to get a few glares from other customers. He gets to their table and passes the food out to the three friends, and Fisher slips Francisco the money for the bill. "Enjoy it," Francisco says, before walking away. "Yum, yum," Aubrey mumbles as she takes a big bite into her burger.
"Did you hear that Adrian, the new desk clerk on the floor above us, has no toes," Aubrey whispers, "Yes, I did hear that," James says in a quiet shout. Fischer chuckles and reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone. He appears to login on to Instagram ands searches up an account. "Look," he demands, as he turns his phone to face us,"she is the cutest secretary on our floor. I'd smash her. You guys can take Francisco." Aubrey and and James laugh at each other and hold each other's hands from across the table. "He's mine," James then proceeds to shout.
And as we speak of him, he comes out from behind the reservation stand and walks over to us. "Oh my god, Francisco coming," Aubrey mumbles to Fischer, as she then proceeds to jab him with her bony elbow.
   "Hey, here's your bill," Francisco says, as he places down in front of James. Aubrey and Fischer looks over at the bill to see the price, despite James offering to already pay, but when we James notices, he pulls the note away and out of our sights. "What are you doing," Aubrey questions with a slight giggle in her voice. "There was a note on the bill," Fischer exclaims as he attempts to grab it. James shoves it into his pocket, gets up and starts to head towards Francisco.
   James and Francisco appear to start talking, but due to the distance, neither Aubrey of Fischer can hear, but after a few minutes, James comes back, beaming with happiness and excitement. "What was that," Aubrey asks in a whisper. James reaches into his pocket and pulls out the bill. "Look at the message Francisco, the waiter, wrote on the bill," James happily orders as he puts down in front of us.
    The message written on the bill states:
"Hey James, I know you're gay and I am too. And I have a crush on you, and I want to go out with you. Come talk to me."
     "Aw," I squeal. James looks over at and smiles at Francisco who smirks back at him.

This is crap, lmao. Anyways, this is just a little pride story. Also, sorry for delayed update.

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