I'm so sorry... - Jon X Depressed! Guilty! Tord

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Requested by: WingDingsSansGaster

First oneshot in this book!


3rd Person POV:

"Alright, I'm heading out!" Tord called out, leaving his, Edd's, Tom's, and Matt's new house. "Bye, Tord!" Edd replied, sitting on the couch. Tord shut and locked the front door of the house before going to his car and driving off. He parked his car in the parking lot of a café, going inside to get a coffee.

He got his coffee and found a seat, spotting a strangely familiar male at a table nearby. Tord averted his gaze and looked out of a window, taking a sip of his coffee. He was used to getting stared at for the way he looks, but it still hurt. He didn't want to look like a monster. He didn't want to be reminded of his 'giant robot' incident everyday. Sadly, his robotic arm, his eyepatch, and the burnt side of his face was always going to be there.

He jumped a bit when the boy stood up and walked over to him. "Hello there... u-uhm... do I know you from somewhere?" Tord looked at the boy, trying to remember where he knew him from. "What's your name?" He asked, the other male smiling a bit. "I'm Jon! What's your name?"

'Holy shit.'

It all came back to Tord now. During the 'giant robot' incident, he hurt and supposedly killed one of the neighbors. The person was referred to as 'Jon', and this guy looked exactly like him. "...I'm sorry..." Tord said, confusing the other. Jon sat down at the table Tord was at, a bit worried for the 'stranger'. Tord's hand was shaky, but he still managed to take another sip of his coffee.

"Sorry about what?" Jon queried. Tord stayed still for a moment before standing from his seat, not even bothering to get his coffee. Tord rushed out of the café, and Jon followed him. "W-wait up!" Tord kept running until he got to his car. Jon grabbed his shoulder, and Tord jumped. "Sorry, but... where do I know you from?" He let go of Tord's shoulder, and Tord hesitated to tell him. He turned to face the other and sighed.

"...Remember your old neighbors?" Jon nodded, not knowing where Tord was going with this. "There was a guy in a red robot that blew their house up, and your house was blown up too." Jon jumped when that was brought up, and it made him unconsciously hold the area where he was hit by the rocket that nearly ended his life. "Yeah... I... wait..." "I was the one in the robot... I-I'm so sorry, Jon..."

Jon backed away from Tord, stunned. "You're... T-Tord?" Tord smiled pitifully and nodded, trying not to look too emotional in front of Jon. The guilt he felt was making it hard to seem unfazed by this whole situation. Jon watched the Norwegian's movements for a short while, trying to see if he was lying or telling the truth. Tord hoped that Jon would forgive him, but he felt like he didn't deserve it. He did nearly kill the boy, after all.

"...I forgive you..." Jon finally said. Tord frowned, his eyes becoming glossy. "H-how could you possibly find it in yourself to forgive a murderer like me...?" Jon beamed at him, spreading his arms out. He hugged Tord, who started to weep. Tord returned the hug and hid his face on Jon's shoulder, shaking a bit from the memories coming into his head.

"You're not a murderer... well... maybe, but... I can tell that you're truly sorry. I forgive you, Tord. Though... Eduardo still doesn't forgive you." Jon laughed nervously, nearly flinching when he thought about Eduardo. Eduardo wasn't the nicest to Jon, especially not in the past weeks during his recovery. "I-I should go..." Tord said, letting go of Jon. Jon shook his head.

"No, come back to the café! We can talk about... life, and stuff like that." Jon suggested. Tord still felt bad about what he did to Jon and everyone else that had been involved, but he agreed. They went back into the café after Tord wiped the remaining tears away. They sat at the table they were previously at, and Jon observed the devil-horned male.

"Are those from... what happened?" Jon inquired, making Tord's breath hitch. "O-oh, these?" Tord pointed at his scars and accessories. "Yeah, I was hurt in the explosion. Karma, am I right?" Tord laughed at himself, and Jon looked a bit saddened by it. "Tord... are you doing alright?" Tord sweat-dropped and stopped laughing. He smiled to hide how he really felt.

"I'm doing great!" He took a sip of his coffee, which was now cold. "...If you say so. Stay here, I'm gonna get some hot chocolate." Jon stood from his seat and walked over to the counter, ordering some hot chocolate. It was all that he'd get from a café, and he loved to come here.

Tord pondered how Jon could be so enthusiastic even after having a near-death experience. While he was lost in thought, Jon came back with his hot chocolate in his hands. He sat back down and drank a bit of it. When Tord still didn't notice his presence, he coughed to get his attention. Tord looked at the boy, taking another sip of his cold coffee to distract himself from his thoughts.

"We should hang around like this more often!" "We-we should?" "Yeah! Here..." Jon got his phone out and Tord was shocked. "Really?" "Well, you're fun to hangout with! What's your number?" Tord got his own phone out and told Jon his phone number. Jon called Tord to make sure it was correct, and they both set each other as a contact.

"It's been nice to meet you again Tord, but I should probably get going. Eduardo would b-beat me up if I was late to come home, heheh." Tord cocked a brow and Jon smiled nervously. "Just k-kidding! Eduardo would... uhm... never d-do that..." Jon lied. Tord didn't buy it, but he pretended to for Jon's sake. "I'll text you." He said simply. Jon nodded and hurriedly left the café. Tord sighed, feeling bad for Jon.

'If he does end up getting hurt by Eduardo, I'll... well... I'll beat the shit out of that green fucker.'

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