[Imaginary Jon AU] - Part One

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Ooh I'm making an AU! Kinda! I think?

Okay, so you'll see. But the first part of this story (this one) takes place during high school!


3rd Person PoV:

Tord returned home from school, tears starting to form in his eyes. He had a bad day, as usual. He got into a fight, or maybe two, over the fact that he wanted to be the leader of a large army when he grew up. He often drew sketches of it during class, and he named it the 'Red Army, ruled by the Red Leader, who is feared by everyone'. He smiled a small bit when he thought of it, but the memories of the fights came back to him. He ran off to his room, right past his parents. 'I don't need their help,' He thought once he entered his room, dropping his red backpack onto the floor.

'They never believed in me, just like everyone else. They wouldn't understand it, because they don't understand me.'

Tord shut the door to his room, locking it as well before trudging to his bed. He took his shoes off and tossed them across the room, getting up onto the bed and sitting down. He brought his legs up to his chest, biting his lip. He wished that he had someone to talk to, someone that wouldn't laugh at him. He just wanted someone to be nice to him, to laugh with him, to hug him when he felt down. Unfortunately for Tord, he had nobody. Everyone in high school already seemed to have a little group that they sat with at lunch, just as they had done in middle school. Though, Tord came to Britain very recently, so he was left out. Hell, there was even a group for the outsiders, but he couldn't fit into it either.

Everyone laughed at him because of his Norwegian accent, his odd hairstyle, his 'Red Army' idea, his light red braces, any little flaw that they could find about the boy. During these interactions, Tord would try to do what his father thought him to do. He remembered his father's words, which were told to him after he got bullied the first time. "Don't let them get you down. They're all idiots. If they hit you or pick on you, go ahead and beat the shit out of them. It'll teach them not to mess with you. Got it?" Tord sniffled, bringing his hands up to cover his face. Those words only got him beat to a pulp. They would hit, Tord would hit back, but they'd gather in numbers and hit harder than he could ever hit.

Tord wiped his tears away, more pouring down his cheeks. He stood up and walked over to a small mirror that hung on his bedroom wall. He looked in it, then brought his hands up to his hair. He dug his fingers into it, then he ruffled it up, getting rid of his hair-horns. He flattened it out, then tried to grin. He felt stupid, so he stopped smiling. He shook his head at his reflection, which did the same back to him. He twisted his hair-horns back up, making him feel a bit better. He went back to his bed, laying face-down onto it. He felt so terribly lonely, and it hurt. He wanted to ask somebody if they liked his hair, or maybe if he was fine just the way he was.

He started to cry again, turning so that he was laying on his back, then he hugged himself. He closed his eyes, thinking. He imagined that someone else was hugging him, someone with short brown hair, pin-prick eyes, a blue shirt with a white tank top underneath, someone that was a bit shorter than he was, someone that cared about him. He beamed, then opened his eyes. What he saw made him shriek and fall off of his bed.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." A new voice was heard, and Tord looked up at his bed while backing away, breathing heavily from his discovery. The boy that was sitting on his bed stood up, walking over to Tord with a soft smile on his face. "N-no! Stay away!" Tord shouted, looking around himself for a weapon of any kind. The unknown boy had reached out to Tord to help him up, but lowered his hand when Tord said that. "Okay... I'm not going to harm you though, if that's what you're thinking." Tord quirked a brow, grabbing onto a book with a hard cover. "Well, what are you here to do to me then?" Tord asked, the stranger stepping back when he saw the book. "I-I'm here because you wanted me to be here! Don't you get it?" Tord wiped his remaining tears on his arm, still watching the boy. "No! Nobody just goes and wants a friend, then automatically gets one! That's just..." Tord trailed off, wondering if it was true.

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